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Lumber for basement partitions. Material for basement partitions.

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Presentation on theme: "Lumber for basement partitions. Material for basement partitions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lumber for basement partitions

2 Material for basement partitions

3 Drain access for the shower

4 Deciding where the center partition will be located – the easy way before building the wall

5 Typar the basement walls first

6 The bottom plate on a sill gasket screwed to the concrete with a 1 space behind

7 Rigid insulation against the old concrete foundation

8 Setting the bottom plates for partitions – this is where the photos of the heat tubes comes in to play before attaching

9 The sewage pump container

10 Exterior stud walls

11 Cardboard for the work benches

12 That would be Dave

13 Its cold upstairs – we try and keep the heat in the basement where were working

14 The lid was covered with Typar to keep the concrete out

15 Lots of blowing snow in Carlow

16 The boys created this snow toilet one evening and brought it to work and assembled it at lunch

17 An outdoor John complete with toilet paper roll

18 Pop comes to see

19 Step flashing against the existing brick

20 Mild spell – toilet melted leaving only the nuts holding it down

21 A Mennonite on the way to town

22 I was coming out of the garage and heard the horse on the pavement

23 Insulating the porch floor

24 Rigid insulation over Roxul

25 Plywood to seal the underside

26 Basement partitions taking shape

27 A bright new day

28 Plumber arrives to rough in the basement bathroom and work on the in floor heating system

29 The plumber has a microwave for lunches

30 Someone has been tardy getting to work so I created a Bayfield-Carlow bus schedule to drive home the point

31 Removing the sliding garage doors

32 We will use most of the old materials

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