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Hillsborough County Initiatives to Address School Safety

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Presentation on theme: "Hillsborough County Initiatives to Address School Safety"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hillsborough County Initiatives to Address School Safety
Presented to the MPO December 5, 2017

2 Mobility – Concept to Project
Planning MPO LRTP Vision Zero Community Input Data School Transportation Working Group SDHC Staff County Staff Mobility Balance Safety Design Preservation Operations Community Input Funding Land Acquisition Practicality of Alternatives Implementing 10 Year Plan Commitment 6 Year Capital Program Mobility Options Walking Biking Transit/Vehicles

3 Improving Safety Resurfacing = ROW Retrofit Bike Lanes Where Possible
Land Use / Transportation Mobility Options South County Plan Trail Connections LED Street Lights High Visibility Devices in Pedestrian Features Pavement Markings


5 Investment BOCC Allocation of $812M in 10 Years
Additional $126M Safety in First 5 Years 37 Projects Near Schools – (16.7M) Grant Opportunities for Safe Routes to School Work with School District for New Schools Retrofit

6 Optimizing Priorities with Funding
Finding Balance Innovation and Needs By Optimizing Priorities with Funding

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