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What makes a good negotiator?

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Presentation on theme: "What makes a good negotiator?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What makes a good negotiator?

2 Everybody has the potential to be a good negotiator
However, we know that only some of us seem to be better at negotiation than others

3 What makes them different?
Planning skills Ability to think clearly under stress Practical intelligence Verbal ability Product knowledge Personal integrity Ability to perceive and exploit power Understand the issue Recognise key issues quickly Seek the win-win Will compromise Have stamina Tolerate conflict and stress Listen well Are sensitive to other ‘s needs Have patience

4 Negotiation can be of two types
Confrontational (usually win-lose) Cooperative (usually win-win)

5 Interest based negotiation
An approach to negotiation where the parties focus on their individual interests and the interests of the other parties to find a common ground for building a mutually acceptable agreement

6 Three ‘C’s of interest Common Complementary Conflicting

7 Separate the emotion from the issues
Highlight the ‘problem before us’ than the ‘problem between us’

8 The three basic rules of negotiation
Know your self Know the other person Know the situation

9 Recognising pitfalls to negotiation
Nervousness Anger Fear of losing face/embarassment/humiliation

10 Power and dependencies
“ If they control what you want, and you control what they want, then you control what you want.”

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