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Sickle for the Peasants – the farm labourers

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Presentation on theme: "Sickle for the Peasants – the farm labourers"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sickle for the Peasants – the farm labourers
What is Communism? This is the symbol of Communism – The Hammer and the Sickle Hammer for the Workers Sickle for the Peasants – the farm labourers

2 This is his good friend, Frederick Engels.
They wrote the ‘Communist Manifesto’ in It’s a short book – but billions of people have read it…. This is Karl Marx, the ‘Father of Communism’. People who believe in his ideas are called ‘Marxists’ This is his good friend, Frederick Engels.

3 What is Communism? Marx and Engels studied the history of the world’s economies. This means the way that power, industry and finance are controlled. They saw the way countries developed in stages. Communism Socialism Capitalism Feudalism Explain these please! Primitive Communism

4 This is how humans first lived together – in small tribes
This is how humans first lived together – in small tribes. Primitive means basic. Communism means that everything was shared– food, jobs, belongings. No one owned land. Eventually a group comes to power – this leads to Feudalism… Primitive Communism

5 Under feudalism, a king or emperor or chief becomes the ruler over all the people.
He gives land and privileges to ‘nobles’ who rule the people for him. The people are kept uneducated and told that god chose the king to rule. The church helps the king this way. Feudalism As trade develops, some people get richer. This leads to Capitalism….. Primitive Communism

6 The business owners get richer while the workers do all the hard work.
Capitalism Feudalism Capitalism creates a huge working-class of people who soon get angry at the way they are treated. They eventually organize and demand changes.

7 Because nothing is made for profit, all people benefit from education and health.
The workers take control of the country to produce things for everyone. Socialism These ideas spread across the world to create Communism…. Capitalism In the Socialist revolution all the rulers – kings, churches, capitalists are eliminated.

8 The remaining capitalists put up a bitter fight, but the will of the people will always win.
Communism Socialism All human activity goes towards benefiting each other. As everyone now works together, war is a thing of the past – armies are not needed. Sharing means no police are needed. Everything is provided by the people – so money becomes a thing of the past.

9 Why was there a Communist revolution in Russia in 1917?

10 Russian failures in the First World War The weakness
of Tsar Nicholas II The failure of the Duma Factors that led to the Communist revolution in 1917. The discontent of the peasants Opposition of the Communists The discontent of the workers Rasputin and scandal The February Revolution 1917

11 The discontent of the Workers
Industrialisation began much later in Russia than in Western Europe. Huge iron foundries, textile factories and engineering firms were set up. By % of Russians were workers living in cities. Working conditions in the new industrial towns were hard. Pay was very low. Although strikes and demonstrations were illegal, they often took place. Strikers were frequently shot by the Tsar’s soldiers or secret police. ‘The whole day we pour out our blood and sweat. Every minute we are exposed to danger.’ Union leaflet 1898

12 Police report into country conditions 1905
The discontent of the Peasants Russia was a rural society with over 90% of the people being poor peasants. most farmers were in absolute poverty. Agriculture was in desperate need of modernisation. In contrast, a small number of upper-class people held most of the wealth and power. This aristocracy had large town houses and country estates. Very often the peasants do not have enough allotment land. They cannot feed themselves, clothe themselves, heat their homes, keep their tools and livestock, secure seed for sowing and lastly pay their taxes. Police report into country conditions 1905

13 Russian failures in the First World War
In the first few months of the First World War, Russia fought better than had been expected. In 1915, Tsar Nicholas II assumed personal command of the Russian armed forces. The Russian soldiers, poorly trained and equipped, lacking in basic items such as rifles and ammunition, suffered from lowering morale. Thousands of men deserted. Without the support of the army, the Tsar’s position became increasingly precarious.

14 The February Revolution 1917
Russia fared so badly in the First World War there was a spontaneous uprising against the Tsar in February This was sparked off by food riots, poor working conditions and the failure to win the war. The Russian army refused to shoot at the demonstrators and joined forces with them. In March 1917, without the support of the army, the Tsar was forced to abdicate and a Provisional Government In October 1917, Lenin led an armed uprising against the Provisional Government. His aim was to take control of Russia and turn it in to a communist country.

15 Why Does the Laborer Work?
Do you work for the good of the community or individual gain? Who does the work?

16 What Governs the Economy?
COMMUNISM Consensus of the people CAPITALISM Supply and Demand

17 How is Wealth Distributed
CAPITALISM According to the merit or skill of the individual COMMUNISM According to need

18 How do the Individuals Relate to Each Other?
CAPITALISM They compete COMMUNISM They cooperate

19 What is the Goal of the Economic System?
CAPITALISM Individual profit and attainment of property COMMUNISM Classless society free of want and all needs of the people are met

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