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Chapter 1 Voc Who's your daddy? Medications Medications 2 Other 10 10

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 1 Voc Who's your daddy? Medications Medications 2 Other 10 10"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 1 Voc Who's your daddy? Medications Medications 2 Other 10 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 20 20 30 30 30 30 30 40 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 50

2 Medical Staff

3 Caduceus

4 Beliefs not based on scientific evidence

5 Dogma

6 Latin for Recipe

7 Rx

8 These individuals tried to make gold

9 Alchemist

10 What the medication is approved for use

11 Indication

12 Generic name for Amoxil®

13 amoxicillin

14 Indication for Crestor®

15 Hyperlipidemia

16 Indication for Zestril

17 Hypertension

18 Medical term for High Blood Pressure (HBP)

19 Hypertension

20 Brand name for albuterol

21 Pro-Air®

22 Indication for Zithromax®

23 antibiotic

24 Generic name for Amoxil

25 Amoxicillin

26 A medication whose brand name is Nexium®

27 esomeprazole

28 Classification for alprazolam

29 Benzodiazeprine

30 Class of drugs used to prevent the production of stomach acid

31 Proton Pump Inhibitor

32 Father of Medicine

33 Hippocrates

34 Father of Genetics

35 Gregor Mendel

36 Preformed research on animals to better understand the human anatomy

37 Aristotle

38 Helped establish the scientific method

39 Roger Bacon

40 Swiss physician and alchemist Created Laudanum

41 Paracelsus

42 Generic for Synthroid

43 Levothyroxine

44 Brand name for amlodipine

45 Norvasc

46 Medications that relax the muscles of the tiny tubes that carry air to the alveoli.

47 Bronchodilators

48 Term for illness that includes Asthma, Chronic Bronchitis and Emphysema

49 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

50 Term used for stomach acid burning the esophagus

51 Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease

52 Jeopardy Click to begin.
Link to this page by clicking category 1 box on opening screen

53 Pharmacy Procedures Final Jeopardy Make your wager
Click anywhere in blue area to start or replay final Jeopardy song. Link to this page by clicking in Category 5 box on opening screen Final question and answer

54 Term used to describe standards in pharmacy that tells you how to do you job.
Click anywhere in blue area to start or replay final Jeopardy song. Final answer

55 Protocol

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