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Hidden Markov Models in Bioinformatics min

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1 Hidden Markov Models in Bioinformatics 14.11 60 min
Definition Three Key Algorithms Summing over Unknown States Most Probable Unknown States Marginalizing Unknown States Key Bioinformatic Applications Pedigree Analysis Isochores in Genomes (CG-rich regions) Profile HMM Alignment Fast/Slowly Evolving States Secondary Structure Elements in Proteins Gene Finding Statistical Alignment

2 Hidden Markov Models (O1,H1), (O2,H2),……. (On,Hn) is a sequence of stochastic variables with 2 components - one that is observed (Oi) and one that is hidden (Hi). The marginal discribution of the Hi’s are described by a Homogenous Markov Chain: Let pi,j = P(Hk=i,Hk+1=j) Let pi =P{H1=i) - often pi is the equilibrium distribution of the Markov Chain. Conditional on Hk (all k), the Ok are independent. The distribution of Ok only depends on the value of Hi and is called the emit function O1 O2 O3 O4 O5 O6 O7 O8 O9 O10 H1 H2 H3

3 What is the probability of the data?
The probability of the observed is , which can be hard to calculate. However, these calculations can be considerably accelerated. Let the probability of the observations (O1,..Ok) conditional on Hk=j. Following recursion will be obeyed: O1 O2 O3 O4 O5 O6 O7 O8 O9 O10 H1 H2 H3

4 What is the most probable ”hidden” configuration?
Let be the sequences of hidden states that maximizes the observed sequence O ie ArgMaxH[ ]. Let probability of the most probability of the most probable path up to k ending in hidden state j. Again recursions can be found The actual sequence of hidden states can be found recursively by O1 O2 O3 O4 O5 O6 O7 O8 O9 O10 H1 H2 H3

5 What is the probability of specific ”hidden” state?
Let be the probability of the observations from j+1 to n given Hk=j. These will also obey recursions: The probability of the observations and a specific hidden state can found as: And of a specific hidden state can found as: O1 O2 O3 O4 O5 O6 O7 O8 O9 O10 H1 H2 H3

6 Fast/Slowly Evolving States Felsenstein & Churchill, 1996
positions 1 n 1 sequences k slow - rs HMM: fast - rf pr - equilibrium distribution of hidden states (rates) at first position pi,j - transition probabilities between hidden states L(j,r) - likelihood for j’th column given rate r. L(j,r) - likelihood for first j columns given j’th column has rate r. Make simpler. Show basic probability expressions. Likelihood Recursions: Likelihood Initialisations:

7 Statistical Alignment
Steel and Hein, Holmes and Bruno,2000 C T A Emit functions: e(##)= p(N1)f(N1,N2) e(#-)= p(N1), e(-#)= p(N2) p(N1) - equilibrium prob. of N f(N1,N2) - prob. that N1 evolves into N2 An HMM Generating Alignments # # E # # E * * lb l/m (1- lb)e-m l/m (1- lb)(1- e-m) (1- l/m) (1- lb) - # lb l/m (1- lb)e-m l/m (1- lb)(1- e-m) (1- l/m) (1- lb) _ # lb l/m (1- lb)e-m l/m (1- lb)(1- e-m) (1- l/m) (1- lb) # lb

8 Probability of Data given a pedigree.
Elston-Stewart (1971) -Temporal Peeling Algorithm: Mother Father Condition on parental states Recombination and mutation are Markovian Lander-Green (1987) - Genotype Scanning Algorithm: Mother Father Condition on paternal/maternal inheritance Recombination and mutation are Markovian Comment: Obvious parallel to Wiuf-Hein99 reformulation of Hudson’s 1983 algorithm

9 Further Examples I Isochore: Gene Finding: Simple Eukaryotic
Churchill,1989,92 Lp(C)=Lp(G)=0.1, Lp(A)=Lp(T)=0.4, Lr(C)=Lr(G)=0.4, Lr(A)=Lr(T)=0.1 poor rich HMM: Likelihood Recursions: Likelihood Initialisations: Gene Finding: Burge and Karlin, 1996 Simple Eukaryotic Simple Prokaryotic Make simpler. Show basic probability expressions.

10 Further Examples II Secondary Structure Elements:
Goldman, 1996 Further Examples II HMM for SSEs: a L .909 .0005 .091 .005 .881 .184 .062 .086 .852 .325 .212 .462 a L Adding Evolution: SSE Prediction: Make simpler. Show basic probability expressions. Profile HMM Alignment: Krogh et al.,1994

11 Summary H1 H2 H3 Definition Three Key Algorithms
O1 O2 O3 O4 O5 O6 O7 O8 O9 O10 H1 H2 H3 Definition Three Key Algorithms Summing over Unknown States Most Probable Unknown States Marginalizing Unknown States Key Bioinformatic Applications Pedigree Analysis Isochores in Genomes (CG-rich regions) Profile HMM Alignment Fast/Slowly Evolving States Secondary Structure Elements in Proteins Gene Finding Statistical Alignment

12 Recommended Literature
Vineet Bafna and Daniel H. Huson (2000) The Conserved Exon Method for Gene Finding ISMB pp. 3-12 S.Batzoglou et al.(2000) Human and Mouse Gene Structure: Comparative Analysis and Application to Exon Prediction. Genome Research Blayo, Rouze & Sagot (2002) ”Orphan Gene Finding - An exon assembly approach” J.Comp.Biol. Delcher, AL et al.(1998) Alignment of Whole Genomes Nuc.Ac.Res Gravely, BR (2001) Alternative Splicing: increasing diversity in the proteomic world. TIGS Guigo, al.(2000) An Assesment of Gene Prediction Accuracy in Large DNA Sequences. Genome Research Kan, Z. Et al. (2001) Gene Structure Prediction and Alternative Splicing Using Genomically Aligned ESTs Genome Research Ian Korf et al.(2001) Integrating genomic homology into gene structure prediction. Bioinformatics vol17.Suppl.1 pages Tejs Scharling (2001) Gene-identification using sequence comparison. Aarhus University JS Pedersen (2001) Progress Report: Comparative Gene Finding. Aarhus University Reese,MG et al.(2000) Genome Annotation Assessment in Drosophila melanogaster Genome Research Stein,L.(2001) Genome Annotation: From Sequence to Biology. Nature Reviews Genetics

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