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Presentation on theme: "Dalton/Hali/Larissa/Laurell/Tyree"— Presentation transcript:

1 Dalton/Hali/Larissa/Laurell/Tyree
Medical terms Dalton/Hali/Larissa/Laurell/Tyree

2 Word Parts Arter/o - artery Angi/o – blood/lymph vessels
Apoplect/o - stroke Arther/o - plaque Cardi/o - heart Circulat/o - circulate Atri - atrium All/o – different from normal Leuk – white Ox/i - oxygen

3 Word Parts Coagul/o - coagulation Coron/o - coronary
Fibrin/o – fibrin fibers Hem/o - blood Hemangi/o – blood vessel Hemat/o – relating to blood Phlep/o - vein Sphygm/o - pulse Erythr/o - red Valv/o - valve

4 Prefixes Tachy - fast A -no, away, negative Ante - before, in front of
Mal - bad Dys - bad, difficult Ab - away, negative, absent Ad - to, toward, near Sub - under Pre - before Post - after Endo - within Hyper - over, above Hypo – under, below

5 Suffixes Itis - inflammation Emia - blood condition Lysis - break down
Malacia - abnormal softening Megaly - enlargement Osis - abnormal condition Rrhxis - rupture Sclerosis – abnormal hardeing Stenosis – abnormal narrowing Ac, al, ary, ical, ic – pertaining to Rrhage – bleeding, excessive discharge Plasty – surgical repair

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