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Physical Chemistry of Interfaces and Nanomaterials V,

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1 Physical Chemistry of Interfaces and Nanomaterials V,
SPIE Optics and Photonics, August 15-17, 2006. Dynamics of electron injection from the excited state of anchored molecules into semiconductors F. Willig, L. Gundlach, R. Ernstorfer, A. Neubauer, J. Szarko, L. Socaciu-Siebert, R. Eichberger, S. Felber, Hahn-Meitner-Institut Berlin (Germany) e- e- 9 fs 165 fs Insertion of the bicyclooctane bridge groups between the chromophore perylene anchored via the carboxylic group on TiO2 (110) slows down electron transfer from 9 fs to 165 fs. Surface bonds formed by the phosphonate anchor group lead to an angle of 66˚ of the long axis against the surface normal.

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