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Ch. 4/5 Notes Day 5 2/2/16.

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1 Ch. 4/5 Notes Day 5 2/2/16

2 Objectives SWBAT describe the relationship between absorption and emission of energy of electrons in energy levels. SWBAT compare the energy in energy levels in relation to their distance from the nucleus.

3 Atomic Orbitals Orbital – an area (ring) around the nucleus where electrons are Energy Level – a specific distance from the nucleus that contains a group of orbitals **the farther from the nucleus, the HIGHER the energy level Energy Level

4 Think of it like this…. High Energy Low Energy 1st Energy Level
2nd Energy Level 3rd Energy Level 1st Energy Level Orbitals Orbital Orbitals

5 Electron Configuration & Energy
Electron Configuration – how atoms are arranged in orbitals Ground State – configuration with the LOWEST possible energy Excited State – UNSTABLE configuration. Will release energy to get back to Ground State

6 Electron Configuration & Energy
Energy comes in and excites electrons to excited state This excited state is unstable, and electrons will fall back to ground state Must release energy (light) to get back to ground state Ground State Excited State **Each element has a different electron configuration, therefore each element gives off different colors of light

7 QUIZ!! # Protons # Electrons #Neutrons

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