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IBIS Case Studies: Comparison of Simulations

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1 IBIS Case Studies: Comparison of Simulations
EMC Corporation IBIS Case Studies: Comparison of Simulations Fabrizio Zanella, EMC Corporation IBIS SUMMIT 10/15/98

2 Compare SI Tools using IBIS models
EMC Corporation Objectives Compare SI Tools using IBIS models Compare to empirical measurements and SPICE simulations All measurements and simulations performed on SI test boards created at EMC This is a report of work performed during the summer of 1998 to compare the results of Signal Integrity (SI) simulation and Automatic Signal Integrity (ASI) testing. The effort had the secondary goal of motivating adaptation of the existing PCB design flow to support SI analysis of SYMM 5 designs and better supporting ASI. At the beginning of the evaluation EMC obtained two SI tools. Mentor Graphics’ Interconnectix (ICX) was obtained to perform transmission line analysis. HSPICE was already in use for device level simulation. At the same time the Advanced Design Verification Tools (ADVT) group obtained Hyperlynx to study ASI test procedures. The investigators choose to study all three available simulators. Throughout the evaluation period ASI process improvements were being introduced. The correlation effort has contributed significantly to the ASI team’s understanding of the measurement metrologies. IBIS SUMMIT 10/15/98

3 IBIS Model Case Studies
EMC Corporation IBIS Model Case Studies Case 1: TTL signals: empirical,SPICE, IBIS Case 2: SRAM signals: empirical,SPICE, IBIS Case 3: IBIS model comparison This is a report of work performed during the summer of 1998 to compare the results of Signal Integrity (SI) simulation and Automatic Signal Integrity (ASI) testing. The effort had the secondary goal of motivating adaptation of the existing PCB design flow to support SI analysis of SYMM 5 designs and better supporting ASI. At the beginning of the evaluation EMC obtained two SI tools. Mentor Graphics’ Interconnectix (ICX) was obtained to perform transmission line analysis. HSPICE was already in use for device level simulation. At the same time the Advanced Design Verification Tools (ADVT) group obtained Hyperlynx to study ASI test procedures. The investigators choose to study all three available simulators. Throughout the evaluation period ASI process improvements were being introduced. The correlation effort has contributed significantly to the ASI team’s understanding of the measurement metrologies. IBIS SUMMIT 10/15/98

4 EMC Corporation Case 1: Lab measurement IBIS SUMMIT 10/15/98

5 Case 1: SPICE EMC Corporation IBIS SUMMIT 10/15/98

6 Case 1: Simulators A,B (IBIS models)
EMC Corporation Case 1: Simulators A,B (IBIS models) IBIS SUMMIT 10/15/98

7 EMC Corporation Case 2: Lab Measurement IBIS SUMMIT 10/15/98

8 Case 2: Simulators A, B (IBIS models)
EMC Corporation IBIS SUMMIT 10/15/98

9 Case 2: SPICE EMC Corporation IBIS SUMMIT 10/15/98

10 Case 3: Comparison of IBIS models
EMC Corporation Data Sheet model vs Spi2IBIS model IBIS SUMMIT 10/15/98

11 SI Simulators, using IBIS models, are complementary and accurate
EMC Corporation Summary SI Simulators, using IBIS models, are complementary and accurate IBIS models need to be checked: beware of data sheet models IBIS SUMMIT 10/15/98

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