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That Was Then... This is Now.... CCC to the UClub.

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Presentation on theme: "That Was Then... This is Now.... CCC to the UClub."— Presentation transcript:

1 That Was Then... This is Now...

2 CCC to the UClub

3 The search for that permanent home continues. Stay tuned!

4 Didnt We Used to Have a Head Table?

5 Didnt we used to have covered parking too?

6 Speaker Recognition Our club donates to RIs Gates challenge for polio Our club donates to RIs Gates challenge for polio (not portfolio) eradication in honor of our weekly speakers.

7 Rotary Reporter Extraordinaire Welcome Back!

8 Lunch Inside to Outside



11 Lunch on a Bus Did you go on the Uptown Bus Tour? No photo because of rain and fog! Excellent planning on our part...

12 Getting Our Hands Dirty



15 Reaching Out to Uptown


17 Miss a Meeting? Watch our meetings on TV MCS Channel 19 each weekend.

18 Social Media – Rotary Style Facebook

19 New Members Orientation & Mixers

20 Led to a Garden Project


22 Did You Volunteer? Theres Still Time... After School Program Crime and Safety EducationFinancialGrounds/EnvironmentHealthLegalRYLAInternational Meeting Materials Fundraising Planned Giving

23 Elections We kept the co-chair model on our committees which means more qualified candidates for board and officer elections in coming years.

24 Billing Change It Really is a Good Thing! Better cash flow for your club More efficient accounting processes Fewer delinquent accounts


26 Four Way Test Of the things we think, say or do 1. Is it the TRUTH? 2. Is it FAIR to all concerned? 3. Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? 4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?


28 Presidents Challenges 2008-2009 1) 1) I challenge this club to set a membership goal of 350 members in 5 years. Of this increase in membership 75% should be from the for-profit sector of this community and we should have a 100% increase in our African- American/Hispanic membership. 2)I challenge this club to reach a 80% club membership participation level of any kind in that same 5 year period.

29 Presidents Challenges 2008-2009 3) 3) I challenge this club to have its own meeting site and offices within the Memphis city limits within 3 years. 4)I challenge this club to sponsor a new club within the greater metropolitan area within the next two years.

30 Presidents Challenges 2008-2009 5) 5) I challenge this club to establish an Interact club within two years in the Uptown educational community. 6)I challenge this club to have an average member contribution to the foundation of $550 in three years.

31 Paul Harris Fellows Rotarian of the Year Paul Harris Fellows John Lawrence Tom Monaghan Betty Sue McGarvey Rotarian of the Year Tom Monaghan

32 Board Meetings – Inside

33 Board Meetings – Outside

34 Board Meetings – Finally Over This is our districts President of the Year?


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