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Treaty of Versailles “Big Four” create Treaty of Versailles

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1 Treaty of Versailles “Big Four” create Treaty of Versailles
War Guilt Clause Break up of German, Austrian, Russian and Ottoman Empire Reparations Legacy of bitterness and betrayal There were a total of 440 clauses in the final treaty. The first 26 clauses dealt with the establishment of the League of Nations. The remaining 414 clauses spelled out Germany’s punishment. It has been said that the Treaty of Versailles was responsible for World War Two. How could the terms of the treaty lead to another war? The French wanted to crush Germany in the same place where Bismarck formed it in 1871.

2 Treaty of Versailles The leaders worked out the Treaty’s details
Wilson conceded on most of his 14 points in return for the establishment of the League of Nations. On June 28, 1919, the Big Four and the leaders of the defeated nations gathered in the Hall of Mirrors at Versailles and signed the Treaty of Versailles.

3 Disarmamament/Military Clauses
Army – was to be reduced to 100,000 men and no tanks were allowed; time restrictions on how many years men could serve to avoid building reserves Navy – Germany was only allowed 6 ships and no submarines Airforce – Germany was not allowed an airforce Rhineland – The Rhineland area was to be kept free of German military personnel and weapons War Guilt clause Germany to accept blame for starting the war. Financial Clauses/Reparations – Germany was to pay for the damage caused by the war. The figure of $338 billion was set some time after the signing of the treaty. League of Nations The Big 4 agreed with Wilson’s idea for global security More importantly article 10 – “an attack on one country is an attack on all” Entire germ arsenal to be burned with the exception of enough supplies for the 100k Allied supervision to ensure reliability and to stall Germany’s chances of ever being a threat again Methacon worksheet Explain what Wilson, Lloyd George and Clemenceau wanted from the Treaty of Versailles. Explain whether or not each man got what he wanted from the treaty. How do you think each man would have felt if Wilson’s fourteen points had been used instead. Explain why the Treaty of Versailles was so different from Wilson’s fourteen-point plan.

4 League of Nations cont…
The League would not have its own standing army but the compiled armies of the nations involved Rejected HEAVILY by Americans due to views on ISOLATIONISM (“Irreconcilables”) Additional Clauses in TOV Anschluss – Germany was not allowed to unite with Austria. Land – Germany lost land to a number of other countries. Land was taken from Germany and given to Czechoslovakia and Poland. The League of Nations took control of Germany’s colonies.

5 Wilson’s LON Speeches 23 days; 3 dozen speeches
Suffers a paralyzing stroke Remained isolated/hidden from his team as his wife ran the country with his input Angry and inflexible; couldn’t believe America would not support him Purposely rejects treaties with or without revisions

6 America refuses to accept the treaty
In the United States, the Treaty was hotly debated especially the League of Nations. Conservative senators, headed by Henry Cabot Lodge, were suspicious of the Leagues’ joint economic and military commitments. Many wanted the U.S. Congress to maintain the right to declare war itself. Ultimately, Congress rejected U.S. involvement in the very League the U.S. President had created Isolationism…

7 Treaty of Versailles Handout
The TOV was much more beneficial for European countries and their interest than Germany. Using the provided chart and article determined the outcome of the treaty for Germany and Europe…

8 “Treaty built on quicksand”
TOV Summarized Germany must assume guilt and pay for war damages (reparations) No independence given to any colonies Japan and Italy gain less land than they expected Americans do not support the “League of Nations” “Treaty built on quicksand”

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