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Presentation on theme: "SEND LOCAL AREA INSPECTION"— Presentation transcript:

Implementation May 2016

2 What is it? It is an inspection of local area’s effectiveness in identifying and meeting the needs of children and young people who have special educational needs and/or disabilities It is a joint inspection by Ofsted and CQC inspectors Inspection of the SEND reforms since 1st September 2014 – this is when implementation began

3 What is the Local Area? The following groups are involved
Parents, children and young people Local authority – Education Services, Social Care for Children and Adults, Councillors, Senior Leaders NHS Clinical Commissioning Groups – senior leaders NHS Provider Services – senior leaders Early Years Settings Schools Colleges Commissioned Short Break Services

4 Overview of SEND reforms
Co-production with parents and young people Person Centred Planning and Delivery Local Offer SEND Support in settings, schools and colleges Transfer of statements to Education, Health and Care Plans Extension of age range to 0-25 Preparing for adulthood Joint commissioning Information, advice and support Co-production with parents and young people – expectation that parents and yp are involved in all developments of policy and provision for this cohort Person Centred Planning and Delivery across disciplines is fundamental within these reforms Local Offer – on line resource for parents young people and professional re SEND policies, processes and services in the local area. All areas have a statutory duty to publish a Local Offer Send support – this is how children and yp needs are identified and supported within educational establishments Statements to EHC – transfer of statements to the new statutory process and Education, Health and Care plans 0-25 – the 2014 Act extended the statutory duty on local areas regarding SEND to 0-25 not just school age Preparing for adulthood- the 2014 Act reinforced the focus and importance of preparation for adulthood for this cohort of young people Joint commissioning – this is a new duty on the LA and Health to jointly commission services for children and young people with SEND Statutory duty to ensure children, young people and parents are provided with information, advice and support necessary for them to be fully involved

5 Northamptonshire’s response to SEND reforms
Overseen by The Multi-Agency Disabled Children and People’s Group - Northamptonshire's Local Offer Parental engagement Person centred approaches Local Offer was published by Sept 2014 SEN support Transfer of statements to EHC plans Extension of age range 0 – 25 Preparing for adulthood Joint commissioning The Disabled Children and People’s Group (DCYPDG) action plan is the overarching strategy to meet the requirements of the SEND reforms (add link) Parental engagement is a key priority and the development of improved engagement with children and young people is ongoing Person centred approaches – trainers trained by a nationally recognised organisation to deliver whole workforce training across all sectors Local Offer was published by Sept 2014,has been peer reviewed and is constantly monitored and updated following feedback from users. A dedicated team employed to ensure ongoing engagement with service users and continuous improvement SEN Support – through inclusion EY and schools network meetings, HT and Governor briefings, information on roles, responsibility and accountability for the SEND reforms have been shared with educational establishments. Information sessions and support are ongoing Statements to Education, Health and Care (EHC) plans – challenging target for transfer has been set by Govt which is being implemented. The volume of transfers for Northants is high (approx 3500 over 3 years) and this together with the complexities of the complete change agenda means that all targets are not being met. This is a national issue with transfers, however, the implementation of the new person centred assessment since September are within timescales and early feedback shows improved parental satisfaction 0-25 – significant culture change for the area. Extending the reforms into traditional adult services. Links have been made and further development is ongoing Preparing for adulthood – pilot project to model best practice to inform future improvements to the meeting of needs and improved outcomes for young people post school Joint commissioning – a joint commissioning strategy is now in place across children’s services in the LA and Health. Grant funding has been used to employ two commissioners to ensure a co-ordinated strategy and extend into adult services with parents and young people

6 Other links Care Act – Care Act 2014
High Needs Funding – High Needs Funding Winterbourne Review Winterbourne Review Race to the Top – Race to the Top Code of Practice – Code of Practice Care Act – new legislation regarding promotion of well-being for children and young people HNF – guidance on the access to additional resource to support SEND Winterbourne Review – report on out of county hospital/residential placements Race to the Top – NCC education strategy to improve educational outcomes Code of Practice – statutory guidance for implementation of the Children and Families Act 2014

7 Inspection – how it will happen
Notification call to Director of Children Services (DCS)of the Local Authority to announce the inspection five working days before the inspection CQC inspector will notify the Chief Executive of the CCG The Lead HMI will discuss with the Local Area’s nominated officer details of information required and logistics

8 Focus of the inspection
The inspection team will use a range of methods to gather and evaluate the effectiveness of the local area in fulfilling its duties under the Act Inspectors will gather evidence to assess the effectiveness of the local area for three primary questions: How effectively does the local area identify children and young people who have special educational needs and/or disabilities? How effectively does the local area assess and meet the needs of children and young people who have special educational needs and/or disabilities? How effectively does the local area improve outcomes for children and young people who have special educational needs and/or disabilities?

9 Local Area preparations
SEND inspection Board – representation across the area Briefing sessions Communications Strategy Story Boards Success stories Report of Local area’s implementation of send reforms and action plan Joint commissioning strategy DCYPDG Strategy and Action plan Data analysis Workforce development

10 What are the current challenges of implementing the reforms?
Capacity in relation to transfers across all partners Consistent engagement across all partners Awareness raising across the partnership Evidence/data collection Evidence of improved outcomes Engagement of young people in strategic decision making Lack of opportunities post school

11 What does this mean for you?
Ensure that you are up to date with the most recent information Be proactive and positive about the changes Identify positive areas where agencies work together Acknowledge that this is a generational change Be familiar with the Local Offer Know the difference between SEN support and EHC plans Celebrate success and acknowledge that implementation has only just begun


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