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Region Training Conference 2017

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Presentation on theme: "Region Training Conference 2017"— Presentation transcript:

1 Region Training Conference 2017
Presidents Membership Recruitment by _____________________________ Region Training Conference 2017 Name, Position

2 Self-Evaluation; are you completing your duties?
Review of Duties Self-Evaluation; are you completing your duties? Goal Setting Appointing and Delegating Monitoring Motivating Evaluating Presiding Problem Solving Service Event Planning Recruiting & Retaining Reporting Succession Training Setting a Positive, Professional Example Communication with club, advisor, principal, sponsoring Kiwanis, LTG

3 Review of Duties (cont’d.)
If you answered no to any of the points on the past slide, that’s OKAY! Take this opportunity to further propel yourself and get involved You set the example for the entire club, ensure you are doing all you can to help the club you serve achieve new heights! Remember YOU are the presiding officer and leader of the club – Your direction, motivation, and attitude all effect those that you serve as club president Take a moment to reflect & share One thing that you are doing well as President & one thing you can work on

4 The Club Officer Board Vice President(s): Secretary: Treasurer:
Your sidekick, BFF, assistant, life saver, and alter ego Secretary: Your aide, reporter, stenographer, and dependable best friend Treasurer: Your finance and fundraising guru, and thrifty companion Editor: Your tech genius, designer, publicist, and communicator All officer positions are essential to the well-being of the club. Make sure they know they’re important & their work is appreciated TEAM WORK IS ESSENTIAL TO CLUB SUCCESS

Greet members at the door. Acknowledge everyone. If there is any trouble, be sure to address it. Keep them involved with new activities/icebreakers Recognize AND thank them for all their hard work! BOARD OFFICERS Hold board meetings at least once a month to discuss upcoming projects, finances, goals, progress, new ideas etc. Ideally, set up weekly or biweekly meetings to allow for reports, feedback, and problem solving You are a team: involve them in discussions, plan new events and delegate! ADVISORS/SPONSORING KIWANIS CLUB Advisors have the experience you need. Keep them informed and be willing to listen to their advice. Keep them updated regarding division/district events (Fall Rally, DCON, DCM, RTC etc.). Update your sponsoring Kiwanis Club consistently! LIEUTENANT GOVERNORS Your Lieutenant Governor has valuable information about district events and opportunities and is there to SERVE YOU! EXECUTIVES Have questions or just need someone to talk to? Contact an executive officer: they are there to support you. BEE sure to sign up to reflectors.

6 Represent the Club Lead home club meetings
Represent the club at Kiwanis meetings and functions Ensure your supporting Kiwanis Club is up to date with status of the club. Reach out for assistance or Represent the club at Division Council Meetings (DCMs) Invite and encourage attendance from all members of the home club. Give a report of club events and progress Attend & create new service projects, socials and club/division events Attend Fall Rally, District Convention, and International Convention, if possible

7 6 Habits for Success 1) Actively involve NEW members
Build a culture of member involvement and inclusion early. Conduct a survey to find strengths/talent and even what they expect to experience in the club 2) Have a functioning committee system High performing clubs share leadership amongst the entire membership; it provides the opportunity for leaders to emerge & grow Create committees only when they are relevant to the work of the club Possible committees: Public Relations, Service Projects, Member Recognition, Fundraising etc.

8 6 Habits for Success (cont’d.)
3) Have an active & engaged faculty advisor An active advisor coaches officers, helps establish contacts and ensures the club has a visible presence Show appreciation whenever you can for all they do 4) Nurture a relationship w/ Kiwanis advisor Utilize your Kiwanis advisor and their knowledge; their perspective, experience and assistance all further propel the club. Invite them to all meetings/events

9 6 Habits for Success (cont.)
Have you been in contact with your Faculty and Kiwanis Advisor? These individuals provide an essential connection to further opportunities and contacts to help the club you serve PROSPER!

10 6 Habits for Success (cont’d.)
5) Perform at least one large scale event each year A signature project or event can build awareness of the club to not only student but also the community Possible projects: CMN Dance Marathon, PTP Awareness Fair, Building & Maintaining playground etc. 6) Maintain a relationship with the school principal Have annual meeting with the principal, club officers & advisor to show appreciation for the support given If we interviewed your principal, what would they say about your Key Club?

11 The Big Idea to Success Take a moment and reflect…
What has been working well within the club? What can be improved upon? How can you achieve such improvement? There is ALWAYS room for improvement in every aspect! Encourage & strive for growth throughout the entire term – Leave a LEGACY!

12 Set Goals & Strategically Plan
Discuss with your officers to set attainable and measurable goals! SERVICE HOURS Our club will achieve __ hours per member MEMBERSHIP Our club will retain current membership, and raise it by __ members FUNDRAISING Our club will contribute $__ to PTP, and $__ to the Eliminate Project How will the club you serve help achieve our District Goals? Complete 1.3 MILLION service hours Fundraise $190,000 for Pediatric Trauma Programs 3 new members per club beyond retention Set a strategic action plan to accomplish your goals with monthly or quarterly check ups on your progress Be proactive in your planning; establish checkpoints throughout your annual progress

13 Resource:
Utilize the CyberKey and ALL the resources The CNH District Board creates innumerable publications, resources, and info graphics; below are just a few on the CyberKey Brochure: Member Recruitment Publication: PTP Information Guide: Spotlight on Service Project CNH Kiwanis Family Map Guide: Elections CNH District Graphic Standards College Information Center CNH Bee Graphics How to Market your Key Club Guide: Technology SafeKey Guide: Fundraising Communication Guide: Promotion vs. Sales Publicize the website to ALL members as it provides essential opportunity to further learn and explore Key Club & CNH District Continually check in for further updates and information on: DCON, RTC, Fall Rally, ICON, Candidate Training Conferences, Conclave

14 Recognition: President
Apply for Distinguished President (get recognized at DCON for all your hard work) Application found on CyberKey: Recognition>Contests>Scroll down to Presidents For this contest, you must create an e-portfolio containing a multitude of requirements; check contest guidelines and follow them Document all your work throughout the year to make e-portfolio easier; check the CyberKey for updated guidelines as the year progresses ENSURE you submit the application ON-TIME

15 Recognition: President
E-Portfolio Cover Page Nomination Letter Could be written by member, Kiwanis/Faculty Advisor, officers, or your LTG Letter of Recommendation (3 max) Proof of Attendance & Hours Agendas of meeting: provide exemplary agendas spanning the entire year and each quarter Club Achievements Kiwanis Relations Communication (to Club, LTG, Kiwanis, District)

16 Are you on track for Distinguished?

17 Club Elections & Succession
Who will be sitting in your seat next year? Conduct club elections before DCON, follow correct protocol (Ensure completion of Service Agreement by candidates Promote respect, professionalism and proper procedure throughout the entire election procession Procedure may vary depending on the clubs adopted bylaws Training of President-elect Officer-elects will not take term until following the last day of DCON (April 15, 2017), this is a critical time to train these individuals for the challenges to come Ensure the member coming into the position has all available knowledge, resources and contacts to create a solid foundation

18 Enjoy Serving the Membership!
Remember that not only can you have a significant impact within the club and community you serve… …but also have fun doing it!

19 Questions? Comments? Concerns?

20 Acknowledgements The CNH Key Club District would like to acknowledge the following individuals who have contributed to this presentation over the years. Kevin Myron, District Governor Johnny Chen, Member Relations Committee Chair

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