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Standard Grade PE Full Course Revision.

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Presentation on theme: "Standard Grade PE Full Course Revision."— Presentation transcript:

1 Standard Grade PE Full Course Revision

2 Types of Activities Individual Team Directly competitive
Indirectly competitive Non-competitive Objective scoring Subjective scoring Indoor Outdoor

3 Creativity

4 Principles of Play Width Depth Delay

5 Tactics Attacking Defensive

6 Attacking Tactics 3-Man Fast Break Advantages Disadvantages
Creates attacking overload Ends in high percentage shot (lay-up) Easy to implement Disadvantages A lot of individual responsibility on guard Players must posses lots of speed Large number of players caught up court out of position if move breaks down

7 Defensive Tactics Zone Defence Man-to-man Defence Advantages
Difficult to break down Less reliant of physical fitness of players Disadvantages Weak points at the seams of the zones Difficult to implement effectively Man-to-man Defence Advantages Easy to implement High success rate when implemented effectively Disadvantages Heavily reliant on players’ fitness levels High individual positional responsibility

8 Roles in Activities Guard Centre Forward Dribbling Passing
Decision making Centre Rebounding Stealing Blocking Forward Shooting

9 Rules Safety Written Unwritten Gumshield Shin Pads High tackles
Offside No contact Unwritten Shake hands Kick ball out of play

10 Roles & Responsibilities
Performer Feeder Referee Line judge Coach Provide feedback Physio Responsibilities Playing Provide accurate consistent feeds Oversee match and make unbiased decisions Provide accurate decisions on extremities of area Pick formation and rain players Maintain skill improvement and motivation Provide medical assistance

11 Personal & Physical Qualities
Fast Light Tall Stamina Jump high Change direction at speed Keeping up with play Personal Determination Motivation Bravery Vision Fairness Concentration Confidence Co-operation

12 Adapting Activities N.E.R.D.S. Number of players Equipment Rules
Duration Size of playing area

13 Oxygen Transport System
Main organs? Heart and Lungs Systems? Respiratory and Circulatory Effects of Cardiorespiratory training? Increased lung capacity, stroke volume and cardiac muscle thickness Decreased resting heart rate and breathing rate Working with Oxygen? Aerobic Working Without Oxygen? Anaerobic

14 Body Structure Skeleton Structure Movement Protection of vital organs
Production of blood in longer bones

15 Joints Fixed Slightly Moveable Freely Moveable

16 Parts of the Joint Tendons Ligaments Cartilage
Connects muscle to bone and enables movement Ligaments Joins bones to other bones and provides stability across the joint Cartilage Acts as buffer/shock absorber between bones to prevent damage

17 Cardio-respiratory Endurance
Training Definition Training Zone Test

18 Muscular Endurance Definition Test Training

19 Strength Definition Training Test

20 Speed Training Definition Test Types

21 Power Definition Test Training

22 Flexibility Definition Training Test Types

23 Co-ordination Definition

24 Agility Definition Test

25 Balance Definition Types

26 Reaction Time Definition

27 Mental-Related Fitness
Concentration Confidence Motivation

28 Warm up Aerobic Exercise Stretching Sports Specific Activity

29 Principles of Training
Progressive Overload Frequency Intensity Time Specificity Reversibility

30 Skills & Techniques

31 Phases of a Skill Preparation Action Recovery

32 Stages of Practice Automatic Practise Planning

33 Methods of Practice Gradual Build-up Whole-Part-Whole Passive & Active

34 Feedback Internal External

35 Internal Feedback Kinaesthetic

36 External Feedback Visual Written Verbal Knowledge of Results


38 Mechanical Principles
Balance Transfer of Weight Application of Force Rotation Resistance Follow through

39 Exam Time!

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