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More than the sum of its parts:

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Presentation on theme: "More than the sum of its parts:"— Presentation transcript:

1 More than the sum of its parts:
A Program of The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation More than the sum of its parts: The case for a collaborative approach

2 Our Thesis: Information infrastructure transformation should occur through a process of collaborative problem definition, solution design and performance measurement.

3 Transformation & Opportunity
FROM an Infrastructure of systems, surveys, case management and administrative systems designed to serve single purpose programs TO one that Produces data readily acquired and used for multiple purposes Integrates data from related programs to inform program policy choices, and Produces information serving public health services research

4 Public Health Informatics Institute
Convene partners to define new systems Neutral, non-profit Assist partners in agreeing upon project governance and approach to making project critical decisions Guide requirements process Offer structured methodology and expertise Examples Public health laboratory requirements Integrating child health across public and private sectors

5 The requirements that resulted from this project demonstrate that large groups, working collaboratively through well structured processes can create a sum that is greater than the parts. This approach to work demonstrates the power and leverage that exists within a system if we tap the power of generative relationships and put the control of these projects into the hands of those who must live with the outcome of a project.

6 Lessons Learned Collaborative requirements works!
Users drive the results The process needs a neutral convening authority Broad consensus is gained about: purpose of the technology innovation, functions specifications Process leaves details of the implementation and choice of technologies in the hands of the users. Process teaches best practices by doing best practices. Collaboration builds enduring collegial networks and relationships.

7 Contact Us Dave Ross Public Health Informatics Institute
750 Commerce Drive, Suite 400 Decatur, GA 30030 or

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