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Published byAnnabella Mosley Modified over 6 years ago
With your HORIZONTAL partner, discuss the following:
Start-Up - Discussion 1/3/17 With your HORIZONTAL partner, discuss the following: Have you ever seen a play performed on stage? What was it? Did you enjoy it? What made it more enjoyable, the story itself or the actors’ performances of the story?
Now write about what YOUR PARTNER had to say:
Start-Up - Writing 1/3/17 Now write about what YOUR PARTNER had to say: Have you ever seen a play performed on stage? What was it? Did you enjoy it? What made it more enjoyable, the story itself or the actors’ performances of the story?
WAIT! Why am I telling you this? You should be telling ME!
Shakespeare William Shakespeare is one of the most famous, most beloved writers in the history of the written word. He was born… WAIT! Why am I telling you this? You should be telling ME!
Scavenging for Shakespeare
Open up your Chromebooks, go to Google Classroom, and open the document labeled “Scavenging for Shakespeare.” Your job today is to do some research on the life and works of William Shakespeare using the Library databases and/or the internet. You will find answers to the 10 questions on the document INDEPENDENTLY.
Scavenging for Shakespeare Instructions
Using the Library databases and/or the internet, find answers to the questions about William Shakespeare. All questions must be answered in complete sentences. For all answers given, you MUST provide the URL of the page where you found the answer. NO WIKIPEDIA!
Exit Ticket 1/3/17 Write about the following: Have you read Shakespeare before? What have you read? Did you like it? If not, have you heard of his plays? Which one? Where did you hear about it?
With your VERTICAL partner, discuss the following:
Start-Up - Discussion 1/4/17 With your VERTICAL partner, discuss the following: Did you find anything interesting in your search for answers about Shakespeare? Share something with your partner that you thought was interesting.
Now write about what your partner had to say:
Start-Up - Writing 1/4/17 Now write about what your partner had to say: Did you find anything interesting in your search for answers about Shakespeare? Share something your partner thought was interesting.
Scavenging for Shakespeare
Continue working on your “Scavenging for Shakespeare” document. We will stop with about 30 minutes left in the period and discuss the information you found.
Scavenging for Shakespeare Instructions
Using the Library databases and/or the internet, find answers to the questions about William Shakespeare. All questions must be answered in complete sentences. For all answers given, you MUST provide the URL of the page where you found the answer. NO WIKIPEDIA!
HOMEWORK Scavenging for Shakespeare Question Sheets are DUE TOMORROW MORNING by 7:00 A.M.
Write about the following:
Exit Ticket 1/4/17 Write about the following: What’s one interesting fact about Shakespeare that you found in your research? Why did you find that fact interesting?
With your VERTICAL partner, discuss the following:
Start-Up - Discussion 1/9/17 With your VERTICAL partner, discuss the following: One of the themes which the movie shares with the play is the idea of transformation; the idea that people sometimes change because of someone else or change for someone else. Which characters in the movie changed BECAUSE OF someone else? Which ones changed FOR someone else? Did any of them do BOTH?
Start-Up - Writing 1/9/17 One of the themes which the movie shares with the play is the idea of transformation; the idea that people sometimes change because of someone else or change for someone else. Which characters in the movie changed BECAUSE OF someone else? Which ones changed FOR someone else? Did any of them do BOTH?
Unit Objective By the end of this unit, students will be able to: Determine a central theme or themes in a piece of text and discuss how it is developed through the text. Analyze complex characters and discuss how they help in developing the theme. Analyze the author’s choices and how they impact theme development. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL
Today’s Objective By the end of the period, students will be able to: Define terms related to the reading of a play, and/or make educated guesses as to the meanings of those terms. Become familiar with some terminology necessary for reading a play. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.CCRA.R.10
Vocabulary for Play Reading
Before we can begin reading Shakespeare’s “The Taming of the Shrew,” there is some vocabulary that you will need to be know. Open your Chromebooks and open the document titled “Vocabulary for Play Reading.” In the left-hand column are a list of terms that you should be familiar with before we begin reading the play. Look at each term. In the center column for each term, write down what you think the term means. If you aren’t sure, guess based on the term itself. Do not fill in the right-hand column. We will discuss and fill in those columns tomorrow.
Homework Complete the center column of the “Vocabulary for Play Reading” chart with your answers/guesses as to the meaning of each term.
Exit Ticket 1/9/17 Were any of the terms in the chart familiar to you? Which ones? Where had you seen them before? Were any of the terms ones that you had never seen before? Which ones?
With your HORIZONTAL partner, discuss the following:
Start-Up - Discussion 1/10/17 With your HORIZONTAL partner, discuss the following: Have you ever read a play before? If so, do you think it is different from reading a short story or a novel? What do you think are some of the differences? If not, what do you think could be different?
Now write about what your partner had to say:
Start-Up - Writing 1/10/17 Now write about what your partner had to say: Have they ever read a play before? If so, do they think it is different from reading a short story or a novel? What do they think are some of the differences? If not, what do they think could be different?
Unit Objective By the end of this unit, students will be able to: Determine a central theme or themes in a piece of text and discuss how it is developed through the text. Analyze complex characters and discuss how they help in developing the theme. Analyze the author’s choices and how they impact theme development. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL
Today’s Objective By the end of the period, students will be able to: Define terms related to the reading of a play, and/or make educated guesses as to the meanings of those terms. Become familiar with some terminology necessary for reading a play. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.CCRA.R.10
Vocabulary for Play reading
Open up your Vocabulary for Play Reading documents. You will be sharing your answers with your group and with the class.
Vocabulary for Play reading
Setting The environment in which a story or event takes place. Setting can include specific information about time and place or can simply be descriptive. Character A person written into a novel, play, or movie by the author that is somehow a part of the story; whether in a major or minor way. Plot A term used to describe the events that make up a story or the main part of a story. These events relate to each other in a pattern or a sequence. The structure of a play depends on the organization of events in the plot of the story.
Vocabulary for Play reading
Stage Direction Part of the script of a play that tells the actors how they are to move or to speak their lines. Usually shown in italicized print. Aside A remark or passage by a character in a play that is intended to be heard by the audience but unheard by the other characters in the play. Monologue Lines presented by a single character, most often to express their mental thoughts aloud, though sometimes also to directly address another character or the audience.
Finish the middle column of your chart if it was already finished.
Homework Finish the middle column of your chart if it was already finished.
Exit Ticket 1/10/17 Comparing what you thought the terms meant to their actual definitions, how close were you? Were there any for which you were dead on? Which ones? Were there any for which you were completely wrong? Which ones?
Start-Up No Start-Up Writing Today
1/11/17 No Start-Up Writing Today Open up your Vocabulary for Play Reading documents.
Unit Objective By the end of this unit, students will be able to: Determine a central theme or themes in a piece of text and discuss how it is developed through the text. Analyze complex characters and discuss how they help in developing the theme. Analyze the author’s choices and how they impact theme development. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL
Today’s Objective By the end of the period, students will be able to: Define terms related to the reading of a play, and/or make educated guesses as to the meanings of those terms. Become familiar with some terminology necessary for reading a play. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.CCRA.R.10
Vocabulary for Play reading
Dialogue A spoken exchange of conversation in a group or between two persons directed towards a particular subject. Soliloquy An act of speaking one's thoughts aloud when by oneself in a play. Narrator A character who recounts the events in a play, helps to set the scene, or explains things to the audience. The narrator can be one of the characters in the play or a separate individual.
Vocabulary for Play reading
Act (Noun) One of the major divisions of a play, opera, or film. The largest of such divisions. Scene A division of an act in a play during which the action typically takes place in a single place without a break in time. Cue A signal, such as a word or action, used to prompt another event in a performance, such as an actor's speech or entrance, a change in lighting, or a sound effect.
Vocabulary for Play reading
Fourth Wall The fourth wall is the imaginary "wall" at the front of the stage in a traditional three-walled box set, through which the audience sees the action in the world of the play. Cutting In When an author wants two characters’ speech to overlap one another; often indicated through the use of an ellipsis (...) at the end of one character’s line and at the beginning of another’s. Iambic Pentameter A certain kind of line of poetry, and has to do with the number of syllables in the line and the emphasis placed on those syllables (da DUM da DUM).
Completed Vocabulary Charts DUE BY 7:00 A.M. TOMORROW!
Homework Completed Vocabulary Charts DUE BY 7:00 A.M. TOMORROW!
Exit Ticket 1/11/17 Comparing what you thought the terms meant to their actual definitions, how close were you? Were there any for which you were dead on? Which ones? Were there any for which you were completely wrong? Which ones?
With your VERTICAL partner, discuss the following:
Start-Up - Discussion 1/12/17 With your VERTICAL partner, discuss the following: Have you ever played a practical joke on someone or had one played on you? What did you, or they, do? Was it funny? Why?
Now write about what YOUR PARTNER had to say:
Start-Up - Writing 1/12/17 Now write about what YOUR PARTNER had to say: Have you ever played a practical joke on someone or had one played on you? What did you, or they, do? Was it funny? Why?
Unit Objective By the end of this unit, students will be able to: Determine a central theme or themes in a piece of text and discuss how it is developed through the text. Analyze complex characters and discuss how they help in developing the theme. Analyze the author’s choices and how they impact theme development. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL
The Taming of the Shrew Induction Induction = Introduction
Shakespeare uses the Induction to present, to the audience, some of the themes that they will see in the play. Transformation - Gender Roles Motivation - Deception Family Relationships The Induction also sets up the “play within a play.”
Induction - Characters
The Taming of the Shrew Induction - Characters Christopher Sly – A drunk tinker. The Lord plays a trick on him. The Lord – A wealthy nobleman. He decides to trick Sly. Hostess – The proprietress (owner/manager) of a tavern (bar) who argues with Sly. Page – A boy servant to the Lord. He is forced to dress up as a lady and play the part of Sly’s wife. Players – A group of traveling actors who arrive at the Lord’s house offering to perform. They perform “The Taming of the Shrew.”
Complete the question sheet for Induction – Scene I
Classwork / Homework Complete the question sheet for Induction – Scene I Questions MUST be answered in complete sentences. With each answer, you must give the line number(s) where you found the answer.
Exit Ticket 1/12/17 What is the trick the Lord decides to play on Christopher Sly? Do you think he will fall for the trick? Why or why not?
With your HORIZONTAL partner, discuss the following:
Start-Up - Discussion 1/13/16 With your HORIZONTAL partner, discuss the following: Which of the themes (Transformation, Gender Roles, Motivation, Deception, Family Relationships) have we already seen in just the first scene of the induction? How did Shakespeare present them?
Start-Up - Writing 1/13/16 Now write about it: Choose one of the themes we have seen already and explain how Shakespeare presents it in Scene I of the Induction.
Unit Objective By the end of this unit, students will be able to: Determine a central theme or themes in a piece of text and discuss how it is developed through the text. Analyze complex characters and discuss how they help in developing the theme. Analyze the author’s choices and how they impact theme development. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL
Complete the question sheet for Induction – Scene II
Classwork / Homework Complete the question sheet for Induction – Scene II Questions MUST be answered in complete sentences. With each answer, you must give the line number(s) where you found the answer. DUE TUESDAY BY 7:00A.M.
Exit Ticket 1/13/16 According to Shakespeare in the Induction, how is a wife supposed to behave towards her husband? What do you think about this expectation?
Do you believe in love at first sight? Why or why not?
Start-Up - Discussion 1/17/17 With your HORIZONTAL partner, discuss the following: Do you believe in love at first sight? Why or why not?
Do you believe in love at first sight? Why or why not?
Start-Up - Writing 1/17/17 Now write about what your partner had to say: Do you believe in love at first sight? Why or why not?
Unit Objective By the end of this unit, students will be able to: Determine a central theme or themes in a piece of text and discuss how it is developed through the text. Analyze complex characters and discuss how they help in developing the theme. Analyze the author’s choices and how they impact theme development. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL
CHARACTERS Katherine - The shrew of the play’s title, and the oldest daughter of Baptista Minola and sister of Bianca. Katherine, who is also called Katherina or Kate, is extremely strong-willed. She insists upon saying whatever she thinks and expressing whatever she feels. Her words are abusive and angry, and her actions are often violent. (Kat) Petruchio - A wealthy gentleman from Verona. Loud, boisterous, eccentric, and quick-witted, Petruchio comes to Padua to increase his fortune by marrying rich. All he wants is a bride with an enormous dowry, and Katherine fits the bill. (Patrick)
CHARACTERS Baptista Minola - A wealthy citizen of Padua, and the father of Katherine and Bianca. Bianca - The younger daughter of Baptista. The opposite of her sister Katherine, Bianca is soft-spoken, sweet, and unassuming, as well as beautiful. (Bianca) Lucentio - A young nobleman from Pisa who comes to Padua to study at the city’s renowned university, but who is immediately sidetracked when he falls in love with Bianca at first sight. (Cameron) Tranio - Lucentio’s servant, who accompanies Lucentio from Pisa. (Michael)
CHARACTERS Gremio and Hortensio - Two older gentlemen of Padua who want to marry Bianca. Although they are rivals, they become allies because of their mutual frustration with and rejection by Bianca. (Joey Donner) Grumio - Petruchio’s servant and the fool of the play. He provides comic relief by pretending to misunderstand Petruchio and getting into ridiculous arguments with him. Biondello - Lucentio’s second servant, who assists his master and Tranio in carrying out their plot.
While We Are Reading… Listen for, and underline or highlight, anything that helps us to understand the qualities Shakespeare thinks a young girl should have.
Begin working on the question sheet for Act I Scene I
Classwork / Homework Begin working on the question sheet for Act I Scene I Questions MUST be answered in complete sentences. With each answer, you must give the line number(s) where you found the answer. DUE THURSDAY BY 7:00A.M.
Exit Ticket 1/17/17 How does Katherine speak to her Father? How does Bianca speak to her Father? What do you think Shakespeare is saying about that Father/Daughter relationship?
With your VERTICAL partner, discuss the following:
Start-Up - Discussion 1/18/17 With your VERTICAL partner, discuss the following: When Lucentio describes Bianca, Shakespeare shows us how a young girl is expected to act. What qualities is a young girl supposed to have? How is Katherine different from that expectation?
Start-Up - Writing 1/18/17 Now write about it: When Lucentio describes Bianca, Shakespeare shows us how a young girl is expected to act. What qualities is a young girl supposed to have? How is Katherine different from that expectation?
Unit Objective By the end of this unit, students will be able to: Determine a central theme or themes in a piece of text and discuss how it is developed through the text. Analyze complex characters and discuss how they help in developing the theme. Analyze the author’s choices and how they impact theme development. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL
Finish working on the question sheet for Act I Scene I
Classwork / Homework Finish working on the question sheet for Act I Scene I Questions MUST be answered in complete sentences. With each answer, you must give the line number(s) where you found the answer. DUE THURSDAY BY 7:00A.M.
Exit Ticket 1/18/17 What is the plan that Lucentio and Tranio come up with to get Lucentio close to Bianca? Which one of the themes we have been discussing does Shakespeare show us here?
With your HORIZONTAL partner, discuss the following:
Start-Up - Discussion 1/19/17 With your HORIZONTAL partner, discuss the following: What is Lucentio’s motivation for “falling in love” with Bianca? Do you think he is truly in love? Why or why not?
Start-Up - Writing 1/19/17 Now write about it: What is Lucentio’s motivation for “falling in love” with Bianca? Do you think he is truly in love? Why or why not?
Unit Objective By the end of this unit, students will be able to: Determine a central theme or themes in a piece of text and discuss how it is developed through the text. Analyze complex characters and discuss how they help in developing the theme. Analyze the author’s choices and how they impact theme development. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL
While We Are Reading… Listen for, and underline or highlight, anything that helps us to understand Petruchio’s MOTIVATION for getting married and/or what he is looking for in a wife.
Begin working on the question sheet for Act I Scene II
Classwork / Homework Begin working on the question sheet for Act I Scene II Questions MUST be answered in complete sentences. With each answer, you must give the line number(s) where you found the answer. DUE MONDAY BY 7:00A.M.
Exit Ticket 1/19/17 We have been discussing motivation as a theme. What is Petruchio’s motivation in getting married? What does he tell Hortensio he is willing to put up with in a wife?
With your VERTICAL partner, discuss the following:
Start-Up - Discussion 1/20/17 With your VERTICAL partner, discuss the following: What is Hortensio’s plan for getting closer to Bianca? Which one of the major themes we have discussed is Shakespeare presenting here?
Start-Up - Writing 1/20/17 Now write about it: What is Hortensio’s plan for getting closer to Bianca? Which one of the major themes we have discussed is Shakespeare presenting here?
Unit Objective By the end of this unit, students will be able to: Determine a central theme or themes in a piece of text and discuss how it is developed through the text. Analyze complex characters and discuss how they help in developing the theme. Analyze the author’s choices and how they impact theme development. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL
While We Are Reading… Listen for, and underline or highlight, anything that points us toward Shakespeare’s theme of deception (people pretending to be something they are not).
Finish working on the question sheet for Act I Scene II
Classwork / Homework Finish working on the question sheet for Act I Scene II Questions MUST be answered in complete sentences. With each answer, you must give the line number(s) where you found the answer. DUE MONDAY by 3:00 P.M.
Exit Ticket 1/20/17 We have been discussing deception as a theme. Which characters has Shakespeare set up to illustrate that theme and how?
have we already seen in Act I? How did Shakespeare present them?
Start-Up - Discussion 1/23/17 With your VERTICAL partner, discuss the following: Which of the themes (Transformation, Gender Roles, Motivation, Deception, Family Relationships) have we already seen in Act I? How did Shakespeare present them?
have we already seen in Act I? How did Shakespeare present them?
Start-Up - Writing 1/23/17 Now write about it: Which of the themes (Transformation, Gender Roles, Motivation, Deception, Family Relationships) have we already seen in Act I? How did Shakespeare present them?
Unit Objective By the end of this unit, students will be able to: Determine a central theme or themes in a piece of text and discuss how it is developed through the text. Analyze complex characters and discuss how they help in developing the theme. Analyze the author’s choices and how they impact theme development. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL
Act I Questions Use the remainder of the period to work on Act I questions. Act I Scene II questions are due by the end of the day (3:00 PM).
Exit Ticket 1/23/17 What were your thoughts about the performance of Act I that we watched today? Do you think it helped you understand what was happening in Act I? Why or why not?
With your HORIZONTAL partner, discuss the following:
Start-Up - Discussion 1/24/17 With your HORIZONTAL partner, discuss the following: Do you think that parents choose favorites among their children? If so, why do you think that is? If not, why not?
Start-Up - Writing 1/24/17 Now write about it: Do you think that parents choose favorites among their children? If so, why do you think that is? If not, why not?
Unit Objective By the end of this unit, students will be able to: Determine a central theme or themes in a piece of text and discuss how it is developed through the text. Analyze complex characters and discuss how they help in developing the theme. Analyze the author’s choices and how they impact theme development. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL
While We Are Reading… Listen for, and underline or highlight, anything that shows Baptista’s opinion of his daughter, Katherina.
Begin working on the question sheet for Act II Scene I (through #4)
Classwork / Homework Begin working on the question sheet for Act II Scene I (through #4) Questions MUST be answered in complete sentences. With each answer, you must give the line number(s) where you found the answer.
Exit Ticket 1/24/17 Why do you think Baptista treats Katherine worse than he treats Bianca? Is it his fault or hers?
With your VERTICAL partner, discuss the following:
Start-Up - Discussion 1/25/17 With your VERTICAL partner, discuss the following: Do you think Baptista cares about Katherine being happy? Is there any evidence that proves he does or doesn’t? Do you think he wants to get rid of her? Is there any evidence that proves he does or doesn’t?
Start-Up - Writing 1/25/17 Now write about it: Do you think Baptista cares about Katherine being happy? Is there any evidence that proves he does or doesn’t? Do you think he wants to get rid of her? Is there any evidence that proves he does or doesn’t?
Unit Objective By the end of this unit, students will be able to: Determine a central theme or themes in a piece of text and discuss how it is developed through the text. Analyze complex characters and discuss how they help in developing the theme. Analyze the author’s choices and how they impact theme development. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL
While We Are Reading… Listen for, and underline or highlight, anything that shows that Katherine is enjoying her fight with Petruchio.
Begin working on the question sheet for Act II Scene I (through #9)
Classwork / Homework Begin working on the question sheet for Act II Scene I (through #9) Questions MUST be answered in complete sentences. With each answer, you must give the line number(s) where you found the answer.
Exit Ticket 1/25/17 Do you think Katherine likes or hates Petruchio? What evidence is there in the scene that supports your answer?
Do you think Petruchio will be able to “tame” Kate? Why or why not?
Start-Up - Discussion 1/26/17 With your VERTICAL partner, discuss the following: Do you think Petruchio will be able to “tame” Kate? Why or why not?
Do you think Petruchio will be able to “tame” Kate?
Start-Up - Writing 1/26/17 Now write about it: Do you think Petruchio will be able to “tame” Kate? Why or why not?
Unit Objective By the end of this unit, students will be able to: Determine a central theme or themes in a piece of text and discuss how it is developed through the text. Analyze complex characters and discuss how they help in developing the theme. Analyze the author’s choices and how they impact theme development. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL
While We Are Reading… Listen for, and underline or highlight, anything that shows how Baptista treats his daughter(s) like property.
Finish working on the question sheet for Act II Scene I
Homework Finish working on the question sheet for Act II Scene I Questions MUST be answered in complete sentences. With each answer, you must give the line number(s) where you found the answer. DUE BY 7:00 A.M.
Exit Ticket 1/26/17 Do you think Baptista is a good father to Katherina? To Bianca? Why or why not?
No Start-Up We will be watching Act II
You have the rest of your time to work on your question sheets. 1/27/17
Finish working on the question sheet for Act II Scene I
Homework Finish working on the question sheet for Act II Scene I Questions MUST be answered in complete sentences. With each answer, you must give the line number(s) where you found the answer. DUE BY 7:00 A.M.
Exit Ticket 1/27/17 No Exit Ticket
With your VERTICAL partner, discuss the following:
Start-Up - Discussion 1/30/17 With your VERTICAL partner, discuss the following: At the end of Act II, what is the new problem Tranio faces? How does he plan to solve it? Do you think his plan will work? Why or why not?
Start-Up - Writing 1/30/17 Now write about it: At the end of Act II, what is the new problem Tranio faces? How does he plan to solve it? Do you think his plan will work? Why or why not?
Unit Objective By the end of this unit, students will be able to: Determine a central theme or themes in a piece of text and discuss how it is developed through the text. Analyze complex characters and discuss how they help in developing the theme. Analyze the author’s choices and how they impact theme development. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL
While We Are Reading… Listen for, and underline or highlight, anything that shows which of the “teachers” Bianca seems to prefer.
Work on the question sheet for Act III Scene I
Classwork / Homework Work on the question sheet for Act III Scene I Questions MUST be answered in complete sentences. With each answer, you must give the line number(s) where you found the answer.
Exit Ticket 1/30/17 Ath the end of the scene, it seems as if Hortensio has given up. What reason(s) does he give for this decision? Do you think this is a wise move? Why?
With your HORIZONTAL partner, discuss the following:
Start-Up - Discussion 1/31/17 With your HORIZONTAL partner, discuss the following: In Act III Scene I, Bianca hears from both “teachers.” Which one does she seem to like more? How do you know? Give evidence to prove your point.
Give one quote that proves it.
Start-Up - Writing 1/31/17 Now write about it: In Act III Scene I, Bianca hears from both “teachers.” Which one does she seem to like more? How do you know? Give one quote that proves it.
Unit Objective By the end of this unit, students will be able to: Determine a central theme or themes in a piece of text and discuss how it is developed through the text. Analyze complex characters and discuss how they help in developing the theme. Analyze the author’s choices and how they impact theme development. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL
While We Are Reading… Listen for, and underline or highlight, anything that describes what is strange about Petruchio’s appearance.
Work on the question sheet for Act III Scene ii
Classwork / Homework Work on the question sheet for Act III Scene ii Questions MUST be answered in complete sentences. With each answer, you must give the line number(s) where you found the answer.
Exit Ticket 1/31/17 Katherina seems to be upset that Petruchio has not arrived when he is supposed to. Why do you think that is? What does it say about what she really wants?
With your VERTICAL partner, discuss the following:
Start-Up - Discussion 2/1/17 With your VERTICAL partner, discuss the following: Describe the outfit Petruchio wears and the horse he rides when he comes back for the wedding? Why do you think he chose to dress that way?
Start-Up - Writing 2/1/17 Now write about it: Describe the outfit Petruchio wears and the horse he rides when he comes back for the wedding? Why do you think he chose to dress that way?
Unit Objective By the end of this unit, students will be able to: Determine a central theme or themes in a piece of text and discuss how it is developed through the text. Analyze complex characters and discuss how they help in developing the theme. Analyze the author’s choices and how they impact theme development. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL
Work on the question sheet for Act III Scene I and II
Classwork / Homework Work on the question sheet for Act III Scene I and II Questions MUST be answered in complete sentences. With each answer, you must give the line number(s) where you found the answer. DUE FRIDAY AT 7:00 A.M.
Exit Ticket 2/1/17 Describe the way Petruchio acted at the wedding? Why do you think he acted that way? How does Katherine react?
Why do you think he chose to act that way?
Start-Up - Discussion 2/2/17 With your HORIZONTAL partner, discuss the following: Describe some of the things Petruchio does during the wedding ceremony that were unusual or offensive. Why do you think he chose to act that way?
Why do you think he chose to act that way?
Start-Up - Writing 2/2/17 Now write about it: Describe some of the things Petruchio does during the wedding ceremony that were unusual or offensive. Why do you think he chose to act that way?
Unit Objective By the end of this unit, students will be able to: Determine a central theme or themes in a piece of text and discuss how it is developed through the text. Analyze complex characters and discuss how they help in developing the theme. Analyze the author’s choices and how they impact theme development. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL
Finish working on the question sheet for Act III Scene i and ii
Homework Finish working on the question sheet for Act III Scene i and ii Questions MUST be answered in complete sentences. With each answer, you must give the line number(s) where you found the answer. DUE 7:00 A.M.
Exit Ticket 2/2/17 Which do you prefer, reading and discussing the play in class or watching the performance? Why? What makes it preferable?
No Start-Up. Today is a Catch-up day
No Start-Up! Today is a Catch-up day! If you are behind on any question sheets for scenes, you have today to get yourself caught up! No Exit Ticket! 2/3/17
With your HORIZONTAL partner, discuss the following:
Start-Up - Discussion 2/6/17 With your HORIZONTAL partner, discuss the following: At the end of Act III, Petruchio describes Kate as if she were his property. To what other things that he owns does he compare her? How do you think women today would react to being referred to in this way?
Start-Up - Writing 2/6/17 Now write about it: At the end of Act III, Petruchio describes Kate as if she were his property. To what other things that he owns does he compare her? How do you think women today would react to being referred to in this way?
Unit Objective By the end of this unit, students will be able to: Determine a central theme or themes in a piece of text and discuss how it is developed through the text. Analyze complex characters and discuss how they help in developing the theme. Analyze the author’s choices and how they impact theme development. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL
Work on the question sheet for Act IV Scene I
Classwork / Homework Work on the question sheet for Act IV Scene I Questions MUST be answered in complete sentences. With each answer, you must give the line number(s) where you found the answer. DUE TOMORROW BY 7:00 A.M.
Exit Ticket 2/6/17 Petruchio says his plan is to “kill a wife (Kate) with kindness.” What does he mean? Give examples of what he plans to do.
Start-Up - Discussion 2/7/17 With your VERTICAL partner, discuss the following: In Petruchio’s soliloquy in Act IV Scene I, he uses animal imagery to describe how he will “tame” Kate. Discuss the animal imagery in this speech. Do you think his plan will work? Why or why not?
Start-Up - Writing 2/7/17 Now write about it: In Petruchio’s soliloquy in Act IV Scene I, he uses animal imagery to describe how he will “tame” Kate. Discuss the animal imagery in this speech. Do you think his plan will work? Why or why not?
Unit Objective By the end of this unit, students will be able to: Determine a central theme or themes in a piece of text and discuss how it is developed through the text. Analyze complex characters and discuss how they help in developing the theme. Analyze the author’s choices and how they impact theme development. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL
Work on the question sheet for Act IV Scene II
Classwork / Homework Work on the question sheet for Act IV Scene II Questions MUST be answered in complete sentences. With each answer, you must give the line number(s) where you found the answer. DUE TOMORROW BY 7:00 A.M.
Exit Ticket 2/7/17 How does Tranio convince the merchant to pose as Vincentio? Which one of the major themes is this an example of?
With your HORIZONTAL partner, discuss the following:
Start-Up - Discussion 2/8/17 With your HORIZONTAL partner, discuss the following: What does Hortensio say is more important to him in a woman from now on? Why? Which would you say is more important in a boyfriend/girlfriend: looks or personality? Why?
Start-Up - Writing 2/8/16 Now write about it: What does Hortensio say is more important to him in a woman from now on? Why? Which would you say is more important in a boyfriend/girlfriend: looks or personality? Why?
Unit Objective By the end of this unit, students will be able to: Determine a central theme or themes in a piece of text and discuss how it is developed through the text. Analyze complex characters and discuss how they help in developing the theme. Analyze the author’s choices and how they impact theme development. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL
Work on the question sheet for Act IV Scene iii
Classwork / Homework Work on the question sheet for Act IV Scene iii Questions MUST be answered in complete sentences. With each answer, you must give the line number(s) where you found the answer. DUE TOMORROW BY 7:00 A.M.
Exit Ticket 2/8/17 What do Petruchio and Katherine argue about at the end of Act IV Scene iii? Who do you think will end up winning the argument and why?
Start-Up - Discussion 2/9/17 With your VERTICAL partner, discuss the following: Do you think Petruchio’s plan to tame Katherine is working? Yes or no. Find evidence in yesterday’s scene that supports your answer.
Start-Up - Writing 2/9/16 Now write about it: Do you think Petruchio’s plan to tame Katherine is working? Yes or no. Find evidence in yesterday’s scene that supports your answer.
Unit Objective By the end of this unit, students will be able to: Determine a central theme or themes in a piece of text and discuss how it is developed through the text. Analyze complex characters and discuss how they help in developing the theme. Analyze the author’s choices and how they impact theme development. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL
Work on the question sheet for Act IV Scene iv and v
Classwork / Homework Work on the question sheet for Act IV Scene iv and v Questions MUST be answered in complete sentences. With each answer, you must give the line number(s) where you found the answer. DUE TUESDAY BY 7:00 A.M.
Exit Ticket 2/9/17 At the end of Scene v, where does Hortensio say that he is going? What has he learned at “the taming school?”
With your HORIZONTAL partner, discuss the following:
Start-Up - Discussion 2/14/17 With your HORIZONTAL partner, discuss the following: Why do you think Tranio wants Lucentio to take Bianca to the church to be married in secret? What do you think would happen if the truth came out and they were not already married?
Start-Up - Writing 2/14/17 Now write about it: Why do you think Tranio wants Lucentio to take Bianca to the church to be married in secret? What do you think would happen if the truth came out and they were not already married?
Exit Ticket 2/14/17 What do you think will happen when the real Vincentio arrives in Padua? Do you think there will be a happy ending? How?
Start-Up - Discussion 2/15/17 With your HORIZONTAL partner, discuss the following: Why do you think Petruchio continues to “test” Katherine after she agrees that it is the sun/moon? Even Hortensio tells him he has won, so why continue to question her when Vincentio comes along? Do you think Katherine is tamed yet? Why or why not?
Do you think Katherine is tamed yet? Why or why not?
Start-Up - Writing 2/15/17 Now write about it: Why do you think Petruchio continues to “test” Katherine after she agrees that it is the sun/moon? Even Hortensio tells him he has won, so why continue to question her when Vincentio comes along? Do you think Katherine is tamed yet? Why or why not?
Unit Objective By the end of this unit, students will be able to: Determine a central theme or themes in a piece of text and discuss how it is developed through the text. Analyze complex characters and discuss how they help in developing the theme. Analyze the author’s choices and how they impact theme development. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL
Work on the question sheet for Act V Scene I
Classwork / Homework Work on the question sheet for Act V Scene I Questions MUST be answered in complete sentences. With each answer, you must give the line number(s) where you found the answer. DUE TOMORROW BY 7:00 A.M.
Exit Ticket 2/15/17 Why doesn’t Kate want to kiss Petruchio? Why do you think she changes her mind? Do you think Kate and Petruchio love each other? What makes you think so?
With your VERTICAL partner, discuss the following:
Start-Up - Discussion 2/16/17 With your VERTICAL partner, discuss the following: At the end of Scene I, all of the lies have been found out. What do you think Shakespeare was trying to say about the idea of deception? What is the eventual end of all deception?
Start-Up - Writing 2/16/17 Now write about it: At the end of Scene I, all of the lies have been found out. What do you think Shakespeare was trying to say about the idea of deception? What is the eventual end of all deception?
Unit Objective By the end of this unit, students will be able to: Determine a central theme or themes in a piece of text and discuss how it is developed through the text. Analyze complex characters and discuss how they help in developing the theme. Analyze the author’s choices and how they impact theme development. CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RL
Work on the question sheet for Act V Scene II
Classwork / Homework Work on the question sheet for Act V Scene II Questions MUST be answered in complete sentences. With each answer, you must give the line number(s) where you found the answer. DUE TUESDAY BY 7:00 A.M.
Exit Ticket 2/16/17 So…What do you think about Kate’s final speech? Do you think she believes what she is saying? If so, what do you think changed her thinking? If not, why do you think she says it?
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