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The Reformation in England

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1 The Reformation in England

2 Henry VIII Henry VIII ruled 1509-1547
Henry VIII wanted a son to ensure the continuation of Tudor rule over England

3 Henry VIII Henry and his wife Catherine of Aragon had a girl – Mary Tutor

4 Henry VIII Henry wanted a divorce so he could find a wife to bear him a son

5 Henry VIII Roman Catholic Church refused to grant Henry a divorce so he broke from Rome and started his own religion – Church of England (Anglican Church)

6 Henry VIII Henry ended up with 6 wives (divorced, beheaded, died, divorced, beheaded, survived) 3 children: Mary Tudor, Elizabeth, Edward VI

7 Edward VI Raised protestant Ruled England as a protestant 1547-1553
Died of tuberculosis at age 15

8 Mary Tudor Succeeded Edward VI Raised as a devout Catholic
Ruled England Persecuted Protestants earning the name Bloody Mary

9 Elizabeth I Raised and ruled as Protestant 1558-1603
Anglican faith of England stabilized under her rule Elizabeth began colonizing America

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