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Reducing local Red Tape for a better local business climate

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Presentation on theme: "Reducing local Red Tape for a better local business climate"— Presentation transcript:

1 Reducing local Red Tape for a better local business climate
Intervention Strategy in South Africa 15 minutes Shawn Cunningham GTZ BDS/LED Project, South Africa

2 Content Systemic Approach – Context, Vision, Intervention
LRTR Facilitation Model Intervention Levels – Demand, Supply, Support

3 Context – Red Tape Reduction in South Africa
Provincial & National Government SBP – survey on the cost of red tape DPLG – investigating impact of municipal regulations DTI – investigating regulatory impact on SMMEs International Donors ? ? Especially national level is busy with assessments, studies, investigations – See examples - Activities of most Donors correspond to this These are important but there is no activity/outreach to the local level Example for “Question Marks”: no response to tender in Cape Town! Private Sector LED Services Local & District Government ?

4 Desired End State Provincial & National Government
Guidelines, Implementation, Support, Training Guidelines Feedback, Lessons Learnt Demand, Feedback, Lessons Learnt Desired end state of our work is a functioning system of demand, supply and support of LRTR services in SA – systemic approach Private Sector LED Services Local & District Government Impact oriented concepts, Training Demand

5 Intervention Provincial & National Government Advocacy GTZ LED
Other Donors Coordination Pilots Networking Networking Concepts Capacity Building SYSTEMIC Intervention Strategy – Follow opportunity based approach Private Sector LED Services Local & District Government Demand & Supply Stimulation

6 Intervention Activities
Concept Development – LRTR Facilitation Module Institutionalized Public-Private Dialogue (PPD) Facilitation - process and action orientation LED Focus Main cornerstones of the module

7 LRTR Facilitation Cycle
Exit Entry point 4. Evaluation Phase Selecting the host organisation and process focus Evaluation Measures to sustain the Process Terms of Reference 1. Contract, Scoping Phase 3. Institutionalisation Phase Key-stakeholdertraining Consultation and Implementation Action Research & Mobilisation Facilitation Cycle – it’s simply a facilitated process Might add some Middelburg examples Circles inside main circle mean that in systemic change, one can’t thoroughly plan a process … e.g. where PPD is distorted the contract phase of bringing public and private stakeholders together might be much more important and time consuming than rest. Focus Workshops, additional Research Red Tape Issue identification, Analysis and selection of Champions 2. Assessment Phase

8 Desired End State Provincial & National Government
Guidelines, Implementation, Support, Training Guidelines Feedback, Lessons Learnt Demand, Feedback, Lessons Learnt Desired end state of our work is a functioning system of demand, supply and support of LRTR services in SA – systemic approach Private Sector LED Services Local & District Government Impact oriented concepts, Training Demand

9 Intervention Activities
Demand – Local & District Government Trainings Cooperation with InWEnt Trainer & Participants Handbook on “Cutting Red Tape” Local level trainings from June 06 onwards

10 Intervention Activities
Supply - LED consultant & facilitator market Red Tape Reduction as a conceptual add-on to LED Facilitator handbook “Local Red Tape Reduction” SA Resource Handbook on Red Tape First of a series of trainings in September 06

11 Intervention Activities
Support – Advocacy on National Level DPLG – national partner Advocacy – e.g. SALGA Cooperation with other Donors – EU LED Network Publications EU funds complement our activities Publications: first responses to Delivery Magazine Article

12 Lessons Learnt Currently very few Service Providers and hardly National Level Support! Facilitation model works well Strong local ownership is a precondition Follow-up by the facilitator is essential Issues ‘develop’ dynamically and are relevant to LED!

13 Thank you for your attention!
GTZ BDS/LED Project, South Africa Tel:

14 Contract and Scoping Phase
Stakeholder Mapping History and state of the PPD? Select process hosts Sectoral focus, general or specific? Research & Mobilisation Contracting Training “Trainer & Participants Handbook on “Cutting Red Tape”

15 Assessment Phase Single- or multi issue workshops? Filter
Regulation, procedure, services, interface Public, private, or public & private Local control LED relevance Implementation feasibility (3 criteria) Define problem mapping, problem tree, Design solution Goal tree Champions

16 Institutionalization Phase
Assistance to champions in implementation Possibly further workshop facilitation Consultative process Bring in experts Follow-up meetings Interim results How to (formally) institutionalize red tape reduction? Report-back meeting Handing-over Media

17 Evaluation Phase Demand orientation
activities and outputs are defined in the process Outcome is defined, though Identify Monitoring and Evaluation criteria throughout the process Existing procedure timeframes and costs, planned efficiency gains Envisaged institutionalization mechanism Exit or continuation?

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