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More than 40% wind. How do the Danes do it?

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Presentation on theme: "More than 40% wind. How do the Danes do it?"— Presentation transcript:

1 More than 40% wind. How do the Danes do it?
Sten Lillienau

2 Pioneering Market Denmark has always been an “experimental workshop” and leading market for developing the possibilities of distributed power production and interaction between wind power and CHP. In Denmark, more than 40% of the annual power production is wind power.

3 installed capacity Combined Heat
Portfolio Neas Energy 2,100 MW installed capacity Combined Heat and power 6,546 MW installed capacity Renewables 2.1 TWh Supply & large scale consumption

4 Time-line power market
Deadline for bids on Nord Pool Spot exchange Nord Pool publicies prices and amounts traded – Day ahead Deadline submission of Schedules for TSO Bidding on Elbas and TSO’s Regulating Power Market TSO maintains physical balance by use of regulating power 13:00 Day of operation 12:00 Trade Day Ahead Operation Settlement 15:00

5 Short Term - The Merit Order Danish Market
Supply Demand Night Day Peak Price A (low wind) Price B (high wind) EUR/MWh MWh Wind CHP plants Condensing plants Gas turbines

6 SEK/MWh Spotprices in SE and DK

7 SEK/MWh Spotprices in SE and DK

8 CHP plant with accumulator

9 SEK/MWh Spotprices in SE and DK

10 Sund & Bælt wind farm – Sprogø – 21 MW

11 Managing Negative Spot Prices
Case: Sund & Bælt wind farm – 16. March 2014

12 Time-line power market
Deadline for bids on Nord Pool Spot exchange Nord Pool publicies prices and amounts traded – Day ahead Deadline submission of Schedules for TSO Bidding on Elbas and TSO’s Regulating Power Market TSO maintains physical balance by use of regulating power 13:00 Day of operation 12:00 Trade Day Ahead Operation Settlement 15:00

13 Regulating prices January

14 Managing Negative balancing Price for regulating power
Case: Downward regulation – 9. August 2014 Upward: What you get paid to produce Downward: What you can by back for

15 Neas Weather Desk Neas Trading Neas Tech Team Wind/PV Power Forecast
6 Energy Meteorologists 24/7 environment Day ahead Market 3rd party Suppliers WEPROG (Ensemble) ConWx (Physical) Wind/PV Power Forecast Short Term Intraday Market Regulating Power Market Day after Market Neas Energy Weather Models Online Data & Production Data Neas Tech Team 4 engineers – Communication Exchange of signals

16 Asset management is changing
15 min Day ahead Market Intraday Market From Action to Interaction Regulating Power Market ”What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas” – does not apply

17 How does Neas Energy handle extreme imbalance risk
24 7 24/7 trading floor – and weather desk Curve (Hedging), spot, intraday, reserve/balancing Presence in 19 markets/countries Remote control management Asset monitoring incl. live data connections YR to 15 min products are traded In house analytic team

18 Our machine room It’s all about being first mover.
Last mover is the loser. Our machine room

19 Thank you for your attention
Sten Lillienau Key Account Manager Stockholm Jens Tang Vice President, Renewables Generation Aalborg Web: Jesper Düring Key Account Manager Aalborg

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