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Night Literary Devices Chapters 5, 6, 7, 8, & 9

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1 Night Literary Devices Chapters 5, 6, 7, 8, & 9

2 Image Language that creates a concrete representation of an object or an experience Also the vivid mental picture created in the reader’s mind by that language Images are collectively referred to as imagery

3 Image, continued One striking image in Night is the white placard that reads “Warning: Danger of Death” and bears a skull and crossbones. ?? – Describe the final image of the book. ?? – Why do you think Wiesel chose to end with that image? ?? – What images form the book have particularly affected you or stayed in your mind?

4 Juxtaposition Placing two items close together or side by side, often for the purpose of comparing or contrasting them Example on page 89: “When they withdrew, next to me were two corpses, side by side, the father and son. I was fifteen years old.” ?? – What is the effect of juxtaposing the image of two corpses with Elie’s age?

5 Juxtaposition, continued
Another example: Wiesel describes the prisoners being marched from Birkenau to Auschwitz, surrounded by SS, revolvers, and guard dogs. The next paragraph reads: “It was a beautiful April day. The fragrance of spring was in the air. The sun was setting in the west.” ?? – What is the effect of this juxtaposition?

6 Irony Verbal: a statement that is made that means the opposite (sarcasm) Situational: when an event occurs that violates the expectations of the characters, the reader, or the audience Example on page 19: Wiesel describes the look on the German officers’ faces as the first deportees leave Sighet. He writes: “[A]ll things considered, everything had gone off very well.” ?? – How is this an example of verbal irony?

7 Irony, continued Example: When the train pulls up in front of Auschwitz, the travelers see flames emerging from a tall chimney. Madame Schächter is silent. ?? – How is this an example of situational irony? Example on page 35: Elie gives thanks to God for mud. ?? – How is this situational irony?

8 Theme Central idea in a literary work
Expressed the main idea the writer wanted to convey Can always be supported by evidence from the text ?? – How would you express the theme of Night? What evidence do you have for this theme?

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