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Ready Ch. 0012 Mrs Bly Eng 4.

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1 Ready Ch. 0012 Mrs Bly Eng 4

2 CH SQs- page 116 1. How many points did Art3mis receive for the Copper key? 2. What is a Flicksync? 3. What do Wade and Art3mis realize they MUST DO now that their names are on the leader board? 4. What happened to Morrow’s wife Kira? 5. What are Wade and Aech worried about I-r0k?

3 Art3mis get the key, too! Scoreboard HIGH SCORES 1. Parzival 110,000
2. Art3mis 109,000 = 9,000 for Copper Key = 100,000 for passing 1st GATE

4 Flicksync- p.112 (ch. 0011) Movies and tv shows that were converted into “immersive interactive games that they dubbed Flicksyncs” (112) WarGames: An avatar must correctly play the entire role in the movie. Line-by-line dialogue. - able to earn “Cue Card Power-up” (like a teleprompter)

5 Leaderboard Responsibilities
Art3mis & Parzival must now….REMAIN ANONYMOUS! (their real identities are confidential!) (they are potentially in danger now) Morrow warns them via TV: “Anyone smart enough to accomplish what they have should know better than to risk everything by talking to the vultures in the media” (118).

6 Who is Kira? What happened to her?
Kira was Ogden Morrow’s high school sweetheart & later wife “…she was the ‘quintessential geek girl,’ unabashedly obsessed with Monty Python, comic books, fantasy novels, and videogames” (119). Kira is the one who gave Halliday the name “Anorak”(which means “obsessive geek” (120). “For the next decade, Ogden and Kira enjoyed a peaceful, happy existence, living and working in relative seclusion. They tried to have children, but it wasn’t in the cards for them. They’d begun to consider the adoption when, in the winter of 2034, Kira was killed in a car accident on an icy mountain road just a few miles from their home” (121).

7 I-r0k….. Page 125 I-r0k knows both Aech & Parzival from the basement
“I took the same precaution. Unfortunately, several of the gunters who frequent the Basement know that we both attend school on Ludus,so they might be able to connect the dots. I’m worried about one in particular… “I felt a rush of panic. ‘I-r0k!’” “He’s been calling me nonstop since your name appeared on the Scoreboard, asking what I know. I played dumb, and he seemed to buy it. But if my name shows up on the Scoreboard too, you can bet he’ll start bragging that he knows us. And when he starts telling other gunters that you and I are both students on Ludus—” (125)

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