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Parent Information Meeting 2017

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Presentation on theme: "Parent Information Meeting 2017"— Presentation transcript:

1 Parent Information Meeting 2017
Welcome to Year 2 Parent Information Meeting 2017

2 The Year 2 Team 2M: Mrs Mackenzie Mrs Wood 2N: Miss Norman Mrs Leaky
Miss Searle Ex Day team: Mrs Nancarrow, Mrs Venton & Mr Eddy

3 Any resources or offers of expertise greatly appreciated!
Autumn Term Topics Topic 1: What do I need to be me? Topic 2: Through the Keyhole Pendennis Trip Topic 3: Flying High Any resources or offers of expertise greatly appreciated!

4 Timetable Both classes work from the same time table.
PE kits on Monday and Friday: please bring trainers for outdoor games Thursday – library day

5 Homework Daily reading Weekly maths – Friday to Friday
Weekly RWI spellings – Given out on Friday and tested following Friday

6 Topic homework ‘Homework challenge’ linked to their current topic. Due to the nature of the new curriculum this homework challenge is an optional task. These can be found in the blue Reading Records.

7 Rewards Golden Time – earning golden minutes for Golden Time on Friday
Reward Chart Individual sticker charts Reading karate bands

8 Morning Routine Classroom doors open at 8:45am.
Children change their reading books, put their reading record and book in the classroom and begin the morning challenge. The register is taken at 8:55am. Lessons start promptly at 9am.

9 And finally…. Open door policy - Please come and speak to us if you have any questions or concerns. Any questions? THANK YOU FOR COMING.

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