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9/17 & 9/18 - 7th Grade Agenda Classwork: Chap 1 Study Guide

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Presentation on theme: "9/17 & 9/18 - 7th Grade Agenda Classwork: Chap 1 Study Guide"— Presentation transcript:

1 9/17 & 9/18 - 7th Grade Agenda Classwork: Chap 1 Study Guide
Learning Objective: Learn about Scientific Method Collect HW: Reading Notetaking p Classwork: Chap 1 Study Guide Butterfly Garden Lab Textbook Reading: p.18 – p.26 HW: Reading Notetaking p.24 – 26 Reminder: Chap 1 Test on 9/22 & 9/23

2 Daily Reflection Prompt: Write 5 steps of the Scientific Process.

3 What are the characteristics of living things?

4 Characteristics of Living Things
1. All living things have a c________ organization ellular

5 Characteristics of Living Things
2. All living things contain similar ch________ emicals

6 Characteristics of Living Things
3. All living things use E________ nergy

7 Characteristics of Living Things
4. All living things G______ and De__________ row velop

8 Characteristics of Living Things
5. All living things rep_________ roduce

9 Scientific Process Observe Pose a Question Develop a Hypothesis
Predict Experiment and collect data

10 Scientific Inquiry stigate anations
Scientific Inquiry refers to the diverse ways in which scientists inve_______ the natural world and pose expl__________ based on the evidence they gather. stigate anations

11 1st Step: Posing Questions
Scientific Inquiry often begins with a problem or question about an obse_________. rvation

12 2nd Step: Hypothesis anations
Hypothesis is a possible expl_______ for a set of observation or answer to a scientific question anations

13 3rd Step: Design an Experiment
An experiment in which only one var______ is manipulated at a time is called a controlled experiment Why is only one variable manipulated? iable

14 4th Step: Collecting and Interpreting Data
Data are the facts, figures, and other evi_______ gathered through observations. It is usually a data or a chart dence

15 5th Step: Drawing Conclusions
A conclusion is a summary of what you have lea_____ from an experiment. rned

16 6th Step: Communicating
Communicating is sharing of ideas and experimental findings with others through writing and sp______. eaking

17 What is the difference between Manipulated Variable and Responding Variable?
Manipulated Variable: Type of water that you give to plants Responding Variable: Height of the plant

18 Manipulated Variable (Also known as Independent Variable)
The one variable that is purposely cha______ in an experiment is called the manipulated variable. nged

19 Responding Variable (Also known as Dependent Variable)
The factor that may change in resp_____ to the manipulated variable is called the responding variable onse

20 What is the manipulated variable and responding variable?
When I lower the light the crickets chirp louder

21 What is the manipulated variable and responding variable?
Plants exposed to rock & roll music grow taller than plants not exposed to music

22 What is the manipulated variable and responding variable?
students who have eaten breakfast score higher on tests than students who have not eaten breakfast.

23 Control Sugar Water Water
A control is part of the experiment to which you can compare the results of the other tests. In the control, the conditions are the s____ except for the manipulated variable. ame Sugar Water Water

24 Operational Definition
Operational definition is a statement that describes how to mea_____ a variable or define a term. For example, in the cricket experiment, what sound will count as a single chirp? sure

25 Butterfly Garden Lab Milkweed

26 Butterfly Garden Lab Monarch Butterfly

27 Monarch Butterfly Migration Route

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