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6 th Grade Orientation The Ocean Bay Way 2010-2011.

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1 6 th Grade Orientation The Ocean Bay Way 2010-2011

2 Morning Procedures The doors will open at 7:35 am. For safety reasons, all students will be dropped off and enter through the cafeteria doors. No student will be allowed down the halls in the morning without a note from a teacher or a media center pass. Students will sit in designated areas in the cafeteria until dismissed. Students will go to their lockers at assigned times. Any student who enters their classroom after 8:20 will be marked tardy.

3 Character Education / RAYS Character Ed/RAYS will be listed on your schedule as Advisory/Advisee. This class will meet every day We will rotate weeks between character education, ELA, and math focus lessons. Research shows that the best schools in the United States offer these focus lessons. 8:00-8:20 RAY Time (Silent or whole group reading) 8:20-8:45 Focus lessons. 8:45 Move to Second Block (First Academic).

4 Tardy Policy 1st Tardy Warning 2nd Tardy Warning and Parent Contact 3rd Tardy Lunch detention and Parent Contact 4th Tardy Lunch detention and Parent Contact 5th Tardy Referral to Administration, Afterschool Detention and Parent Contact 6th Tardy Referral to Administration, Suspension to be determined, Parent Contact

5 HCS Dress Code Clothing with holes that Clothing and/or jewelry that portrays the following are not acceptable: Tobacco Alcohol Drugs Weapons Sexual innuendo Gangs (inclusive of any bandanas) See Student Handbook/Agenda for complete policy

6 HCS Dress Code (Girls) Undergarments and cleavage must be covered No spaghetti straps No halter tops Holes in jeans, skirts and shorts must be below fingertips when arms and hands are extended at the sides Pajamas and/or slippers are not appropriate for school wear unless designated for school spirit day

7 HCS Dress Code (Boys) Pants are to be secured at the waist, preferably with a belt, not down on the hips or below Tank tops and muscle shirts are not appropriate for school.

8 Cell Phones Horry County Schools policy dictates that students are not allowed to have cell phones on or visible during school. If the phone is on, visible, or causes a disturbance it will be taken to an administrator and a parent will have to pick up the phone.

9 Lockers Students will be assigned lockers. Students are encouraged not to bring wheeled book bags because they do not fit in the lockers. For their privacy and to secure personal belongings, students should not share or trade lockers, unless designated by administration. Students may personalize their lockers, however they may NOT be allowed to put stickers or anything that may be permanent in or on their lockers.

10 Hall Procedures Students should walk on the right side of the hall at all times.

11 Procedures for Leaving the Classroom Only one student may leave the classroom at a time Students sign their name, date, destination, time out, and time in on the hallway log located on a clipboard at the door Students fill in the date, destination, and time in their agenda – teachers signature must be present each time Each time a student leaves the classroom, they must have their signed agenda with them

12 Hallway Procedures Students are to walk on the right side of the hallway in a single file line Teachers are to accompany students to any destination if they are moving as a class

13 Lunch 6 th grade will have 2 separate lunch times. Students will sit with the teacher who brings them to lunch. There are 2 hot lunch lines and 2 a la carte lines. Middle School - Lunch Prices (Hot Lunch, does not include a la carte) Full PayReduced Daily Semester Annually $1.95 $171.00 $342.00 $0.40 $36.00 $72.00

14 Dismissal (Car/Bike Riders & Walkers) Students will exit out of the nearest front door when they are dismissed by announcement. Bike riders and walkers will promptly vacate the premises. Car riders will wait on the sidewalk for their ride in the designated area. Parents are asked to wait in line on the right when picking up your child. For the students safety, they will not be allowed to cross traffic to enter the parking lot, nor will they be allowed to walk to International Drive to be picked up. We kindly ask for your cooperation with the staff on duty for an efficient dismissal and for the safety of all.

15 Dismissal (Bus Rider) Students will wait in their last block class until they are dismissed. Students are to walk promptly to their bus and load in an orderly manner through the cafeteria doors.

16 Dismissal All students are asked to be picked up by 3:45 unless they are staying for an afterschool activity. Students who stay for an afterschool activity are asked to go promptly to the designated meeting area. When the afterschool activity ends, we ask that all students are promptly picked up.

17 ELA Meet & Greet Tomorrow, Wednesday, August 18, 2010 Barnes & Noble 1pm-4pm Make sure to get a voucher from one of your teachers See your ELA teacher for more information

18 Fine Arts If you play an instrument, or even if you would like to learn to play an instrument, you may want to consider joining band or orchestra! See Mr. Martel (Band Director) and Mr. Duggins (Orchestra Director) for more information.

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