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Scientific Method.

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Presentation on theme: "Scientific Method."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scientific Method

2 Steps in the Scientific Method
Question Observation Hypothesis Experiment Data Collection Conclusion Retest

3 Gathered through your senses
Observations Gathered through your senses

4 Hypothesis A suggested solution Must be testable
Sometimes written as If…Then… statements Predicts an outcome

5 Experiment A procedure designed to test the hypothesis.
Independent variable Dependent variable Control group Constants Experimental group

6 Independent Variable The factor that is being changed or tested in an experiment. Example: One group of salamanders is exposed to a certain pollutant and the other group is not. The tail growth of both groups is monitored for 6 months. Each group is given the same diet and they are all the same age and species of salamander. Can you identify the independent variable?

7 Dependent Variable Your results!
The outcome… what is being measured or observed. Example: One group of salamanders is exposed to a certain pollutant and the other group is not. The tail growth of both groups is monitored for 6 months. Each group is given the same diet and they are all the same age and species of salamander. Can you identify the dependent variable?

8 Control Group One group of test subjects is used for comparison. They do not get exposed to the independent variable. Example: One group of salamanders is exposed to a certain pollutant and the other group is not. The tail growth of both groups is monitored for 6 months. Each group is given the same diet and they are all the same age and species of salamander.

9 Experimental Group The group that is being tested on.
Example: One group of salamanders is exposed to a certain pollutant and the other group is not. The tail growth of both groups is monitored for 6 months. Each group is given the same diet and they are all the same age and species of salamander.

10 Constants Every factor besides the independent variable must remain the same so that you know for sure what has affected your results. You hypothesize that plants will grow taller in the sunlight. To test this, you set up two groups: one is in the sunlight and given water every day, while plants in the other group are kept in the dark without water. At the end of the experiment, plants in the first group are taller… but was it the sunlight or the water? Or both?

11 Constants Example: One group of salamanders is exposed to a certain pollutant and the other group is not. The tail growth of both groups is monitored for 6 months. Each group is given the same diet and they are all the same age and species of salamander. Can you identify some constants?

12 Good Experiment A good or “valid” experiment will
Have only test one changing variable Will be repeatable (other scientist can perform it) Have large sample sizes Have several trials of each tested group

13 Data Results of the experimentMay be
quantitative (numbers) qualitative (Quality or something observed with the senses)

14 Data Must be organized Can be organized into charts, tables, or graphs

15 Independent vs. Dependent Variable

16 Conclusion The answer to the hypothesis based on the data obtained from the experiment

17 A Theory is a well-established explanation for scientific data
A Theory is a well-established explanation for scientific data. Theories typically cannot be proven, but they can become established if they are tested by several different scientific investigators. A theory can be disproven by a single contrary result.

18 Review Timothy is testing his hypothesis that eating carrots will help his rabbits live longer. He has two rabbits. Rabbit A he feeds one carrot everyday. Rabbit B does not get carrots. Both rabbits are the same age, get the same type of food, and the same exercise. He does this for 3 years until Rabbit B dies. Identify the following factors from his experiment: Hypothesis Independent/dependent variables Experimental/control groups Constants Conclusion, did his results support his hypothesis?

19 Exit Ticket Choose a scenario from the worksheet
Answer the questions under the scenario List something that could have made it a better experiment. Use complete sentences.

20 Bell Work There is an object on the stool in front of the room.
Write down as many observations as you can about this object.


22 Design Principals (Evaluate the overall benefit to cost ratio of a new technology)
Read the above article In the article it mentions that the designers of Ooho “think” that the pros outweigh the cons. Do some research and construct a data supported response either supporting or rejecting this thought. Response must be written in paragraph form and use appropriate APA citations. Provide a bibliography as well with at least 3 resources. Check out for help with APA formatting

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