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Chapter 27 Section 2.

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1 Chapter 27 Section 2

2 A Wider War This phase originated with “Ike” and JFK but was
intensified under Lyndon Baines Johnson (LBJ), who assumed the presidency after JFK’s assassination After Diem was removed South Vietnam became very unstable & the Vietcong began to win some victories Johnson believed the domino theory just as Ike & JFK had and makes the statement “ I am not going to lose Vietnam” This leads to an escalation of the war!

The U.S. never formally issued a declaration of war, but after the Gulf of Tonkin Incident, where two American destroyers were apparently fired upon by the North Vietnamese, Congress passed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolutions (August 1964) - here Congress gave LBJ their support in sending American personnel and materiel LBJ then won a re-election in 1964 claiming “We are not about to send American boys…to do what Asian boys ought to be doing for themselves” 1965 sustained bombings began in North Vietnam after eight Americans were killed at American base in Pleiku (play KOO)

4 More troop involvement followed in 1965 to defend American bases & ground troops for offensive actions Within six weeks – 50,000 By the end of the year – 184,000 1968 – 500,000 In spite of ongoing escalation throughout the 1960s, the US experienced a lack of success against the Vietnamese guerrilla forces in S. Vietnam (the Vietcong) as the US Army was unprepared for their tactics and mentality The US was also never entirely successful in shutting down the Ho Chi Minh Trail, a supply line that ran between North and South Vietnam via difficult jungle terrain, often underground and through neighboring nations like Cambodia

5 Search & Destroy Once American troops became more involved a leader to the South named Nguyen Cao Ky rose to power His methods of how he treated his people were not the best, but he provided stability for the South Vietnamese government American troops were well trained and had latest weapons such as heavily armed helicopters & superior machine guns This included usage of weapons like napalm and Agent Orange, which devastated the environment and was later blamed for birth defects, cancer, and other long term health problems Vietcong did not give up and had advantages: knowing their terrain, guerrilla tactics, etc… This confused & frustrated the American troops After mowing down an area with machine guns troops would swoop in as part of search-and-destroy missions hoping to kill enough of the Vietcong to make them quit

6 Tet The war definitely turned against the US in 1968, when the Tet Offensive began, a surprise offensive on a major Vietnamese holiday that saw attacks all over the country, including in Saigon itself Ongoing US casualties and losses saw an increase in antiwar sentiment on the American Home Front, In large part because Vietnam was a TV War where American audiences saw the brutality of war firsthand

7 Hawks & Doves Hawks supported the war, but not necessarily the way the Johnson administration was fighting it Many wanted an all out attack with all of our countries resources Doves believed the war could not be won and was morally wrong They organized protests and urged the withdrawal of troops

8 A Nation Divided As the Counterculture gathered momentum (Hippies, Flower Children, etc.), protests became widespread and began to polarize the nation People against the war began to be referred to as conscientious objectors CCR Lennon Hendrix Berry McGuire

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