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1 Delete this slide after reviewing
Have your log in ready for MOjO, PRO and WDC if you want to demonstrate any of the exercises Print copies of the hand outs: Import a Call List into MOjO Create a Call list using Cole

2 Creating a Prospecting Plan Using the Weichert Tools

3 Create an effective Prospecting Plan.
Use the Weichert tools for a well rounded prospecting system. The benefits of adding and organizing all your contacts in WeichertPRO to improve your business. How to create an Action plan for consistent contact with your groups.

4 How can you improve on these results?
Opportunities = Sales 100% New Opportunities 82% Contacted 60% Agree to Meet 50% Actually Met 38% Committed 18% Closed How can you improve on these results? Results: closed deals…how can we improve this outcome? Contact more people? Improve our objection handling dialogue? Stronger closes? Source:

5 Create a Prospecting Plan
How much Prospecting time do you need to get 1 Appointment per day? What type of prospecting do you schedule? Calls, Mailings, Marketing, Door Knocking, Social Media Which activity gives you the best results? Where do you start? What are your lead channels?

6 Past Clients & Customers
Lead Channels Open Houses Neighbors Online Prospects Active Prospects Neighborhood Farming FSBOs Expired Listings Personal Referrals Past Clients & Customers Sphere of Influence Referral Associates Online Marketing Visitors Listing Portal Users Social Media Users

7 How Do You Use Your Weichert Tools as Part of Your Prospecting Plan?

8 MOjO What is your experience with MOjO ? Who do you call using MOjO?

9 Build a System Easily Import your contacts into MOjO, PRO and WDC.
Group your leads and prospects for targeted marketing and follow up. Set up an Action plan of consistent follow up to convert prospects to clients. Use PRO, MOJO and WDC to efficiently follow up with all of your contacts

10 Let’s Get Started Log into
From the left tool bar, click on “Associate Information” Select Cole Realty Resource Create a Neighbor List Enter the subject property address (house number, street, state and zip code) Select “Telemarketing for type of list Click the “Search” button

11 Let’s try it… Search a radius of up to 2 miles around the subject property – need at least 100 addresses. Select “All Records.” Export to “Excel, All Fields Combined.” Click the Download Button. Rename and Save the file to your desktop .

12 Why bother? Manually Dialing MOjO Dialing
Average Numbers dialed/hour Average numbers dialed/hour Speak to leads Speak to leads Book 1 Appointment Book 2 Appointments Spend twice as much time calling leads Spend half the time calling and more time face to face

13 Let’s Set It Up… Log into
Click on “Data &Dialer” tab at the top. Select the “Import File” button. Browse for the file you just saved to your desktop. Follow the mapping instructions on the job aid you were given.

14 Average 7 – 13 Contacts to Turn a Prospect to Your Customer
79% of sales people gave up 1st , 2nd, 3rd Contact You are earning TOP of MIND Awareness 4th, 5th, 6th Contact 7th, 8th, 9th Contact By this point, when the prospect is ready to buy, you have a 90% Chance of getting the CALL! 10th, 11th, 12th, Contact Customer

15 How to Organize Your Leads and Prospects Into Groups
1 LEAD Anyone with a n interest in buying, selling or renting 2 PROSPECT Anyone who agrees to meet with you 3 CLIENT S/he has signed with you and has motivation 4 PURE GOLD S/he has completed a transaction with you Group: Prospecting Group: Seller / Buyer Group: Pure Gold Tip: You should customize your action plan for each group in stages 1, 2 and 3, to maximize your results and build your Pure Gold referral base.

16 Your Personal Assistant…
Use WeichertPRO as Your Personal Assistant… Organize and follow up with your Prospects. Stay in touch with your Clients. Stay in front of your Sphere. Get referrals from your Pure Gold

17 Organize Contacts Using Types, Groups and Source to Target Follow Up
For more targeted marketing Track where your business came from High level categories Then, organize your contacts using the category tools in WeichertPRO so you can target your marketing with relevant information and track your business and develop and a plan to increase it. CLICK Type is for your high level categories such as buyer, seller or renter. Soures helps you to track your business – where it came from, and Group is for more targeted marketing . tip add contacts to more than one group or type

18 Create an Action Plan for Your Groups
Weekly Follow Up & Call Reminders with Group Lists Attached And, when your contacts are grouped, you can create action plans and reminders for all the contacts in the group. CLICK An action plan is a detailed plan outlining actions needed to reach one or more goals. Here we have an action plan and reminder to follow up with our buyer prospecting group.

19 How to Manage Your Groups in WeichertPRO
Click Admin 2. Select Group Management

20 Select the Group You Want to Edit and Slide Contacts In or Out of the Group

21 It is Easy to Assign and Sort Contacts by Type and Source on This Page

22 Now you do it… Click on the “Admin” button on the bottom tool bar.
Select “Group Management.” Click on Add Group, and start adding groups for your current clients, prospecting groups, pure gold, etc. Select one of your Groups from the left column and slide your contacts from the right column into the center. Continue to organize your contacts by assigning them to a group or multiple groups. Allow minutes for this exercise

23 Create a Follow up Plan for Your Groups
Click “Add” on the bottom tool bar. Select “Task/Appt”

24 Create Specific Prospecting/Follow up Times and Stick to Your Schedule!
Use the drop down to select the Activity Type. Name the Appointment so it relates to the activity. Use the Icons to schedule the date and specific times.

25 One time set up… 6. Check the box for “Repeat” and set up the schedule of recurring events for you to follow.

26 Consistent follow Up Will Turn These Prospects Into Clients!
Use the drop down to select how often the event will Repeat. Select the day that you plan to complete the activity. Click “Done.” Tip: For prospecting, always select “Does not end” and keep your pipeline of leads flowing

27 Add Your Group to the Event and Benefit From the Reminders & Tools
Use the drop down box to select the Group that requires follow up. Click “Save.”

28 Now you do it… Remember to SAVE
Click on “Add” on the bottom tool bar and select “task/appointment.” Choose the Activity Type and Name the event. Schedule the day and times. Check “Repeat” and set up the recurring schedule. Attach your group to the event. Remember to SAVE

29 Easily Complete Your Activities From This “to-do-list” When You Log In

30 Notes and Follow-Up Plans are Automatically Stored in Your Contact Folders
WeichertPRO automatically captures and stores all your notes from your follow up in your contact folder. Creating detailed notes helps build rapport and bring value to future conversations. CLICK Simply click the notes tab to see all notes.

31 Client Emails are Automatically Saved and Organized in Your Contact Folders
And, all your s and marketing templates are also stored in the contact folder, automatically. So you always know your next step. CLICK Simply click on the tab to open it and view all outgoing and incoming s from any address associated with this contact.

32 What goes into your Prospecting funnel?
Your Network Phone Calls Mktg Direct Mail Lead Prospect Client Closed Client What goes into your Prospecting funnel? Referrals

33 Use the Email Templates as Part of Your Action Plan
Plus, use the templates available in WeicherTPRO as part of your action plan. With so many templates to choose from, it’s easy to stay in touch and keep it relevant.

34 Send Postcards from Weichert Design Center to Your Groups in PRO
1. From the contact management page in WeichertPRO, search for the group you want to export.

35 Your Contact List Will be Formatted to Easily Import Into WDC for a Targeted Mailing
Click on the Export Button Select Weichert Design Center Click on Export

36 Let’s try it… Click on “Contacts” in the top toolbar.
Use the drop down in “My Groups” to select the Group you want to Export to WDC. Click the “Export” button to choose WDC. Save the file to your desktop. Check the file for accuracy and remove anything above the column headers.

37 Let’s try it… Log into
Click on “My Mailing Lists” on the top toolbar. Select “One of my lists.” Upload your list. Map the fields in your list to the fields in WDC.

38 Closed deals = happy clients Happy clients = life long referrals
Then, use these marketing templates to send birthday wishes and more throughout the year.

39 What’s Next? Continue to add all of your contacts to PRO
Use the Import/Export functions in all the systems to efficiently work your plan Stay on track with your calendar reminders Each touch should include: Ask for Appointment Ask for Referral Give a reason to stay in touch

40 Thank You!

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