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Advanced Methods of Information Retrieval An Overview

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1 Advanced Methods of Information Retrieval An Overview
Dr. Elena Demidova SS 2015 Start: April 16, Thursdays 10:00 – approx. 12:30 Appelstr. 9a, Room 1514 Elena Demidova: Advanced Methods of Information Retrieval 12/8/2018

2 Plan for SS 2015 Introduction to keyword search for structured data. Advanced indexing. Invited lecture by Dr. Avishek Anand Keyword query interpretation over structured data. Query refinement with ontologies and users. Diversification of query interpretations and search results. Crawling. Invited lecture by Gerhard Gossen Linked Open Data. Collaborative evaluation and search. Invited lecture by Sergej Zerr Applications to temporal Information Retrieval. Invited lecture by Dr. Nattiya Kanhabua Query recommendation. Invited lecture by Dr. Xiaofei Zhu Student presentations: July 2015 Oral exam: End of July 2018/12/8

3 L1: Introduction See the slides from: Yi Chen et. al. “Keyword-based Search and Exploration on Databases.” This week exercise session: home reading „Making Database Systems Usable.“ H.V. Jagadish, Adriane Chapman, Aaron Elkiss, Magesh Jayapandian, Yunyao Li, Arnab Nandi, and Cong Yu. In SIGMOD, Elena Demidova: Advanced Methods of Information Retrieval

4 L2: Advanced indexing (by Avishek Anand)
Inverted indexing basics revisited Indexing static collections Dictionaries Forward Index Inverted index organisation Scalable indexing Indexing dynamic collections Top-k query processing Elena Demidova: Advanced Methods of Information Retrieval

5 L3: Keyword query interpretation over structured data
K=“hanks cruise 2001” σ hanks  name(Actor):hanks σ 2001  year(Movie):2001 σ cruise  name(Actor):cruise + T= σ?  name (Actor) ⋈ Acts ⋈ σ?  year (Movie) ⋈ Acts ⋈ σ?  name (Actor) = Q = σ hanks  name (Actor) ⋈ Acts ⋈ σ2001  year(Movie) ⋈ Acts ⋈ σ cruise name (Actor) Elena Demidova: Advanced Methods of Information Retrieval

6 L4: Query refinement with ontologies and users
E. Demidova, X. Zhou, and W. Nejdl Efficient query construction for large scale data. In Proc. of ACM SIGIR Elena Demidova: Advanced Methods of Information Retrieval

7 L5: Diversification of query interpretations & results
Keyword query: CONSIDERATION CHRISTOPHER GUEST Relevance Ranking Result Overview (Diversification) 1 A director CHRISTOPHER GUEST of a movie CONSIDERATION A director CHRISTOPHER GUEST of a movie CONSIDERATION 2 A director CHRISTOPHER GUEST An actor GUEST 3 An actor CHRISTOPHER GUEST in a movie CONSIDERATION As character CHRISTOPHER Relevance ranking vs. result overview E. Demidova, P. Fankhauser, X. Zhou, and W. Nejdl DivQ: diversification for keyword search over structured databases. In Proc.of ACM SIGIR Elena Demidova: Advanced Methods of Information Retrieval

8 L6: Crawling (by Gerhard Gossen)
Collecting large document collections from the Web System architecture Challenges Focused web crawling Web archives CC BY 2.0, by Jason Scott image:

9 L7: Linked Open Data Elena Demidova: Advanced Methods of Information Retrieval

10 L8: Collaborative evaluation & search (by Sergej Zerr)
Often we need more than one hand Sometimes more than one brain “Why the Many Are Smarter Than the Few and How Collective Wisdom Shapes Business, Economies, Societies and Nations” James Suroewicki Sergej Zerr: Collaborative evaluation & search 10 10

11 L9: Applications to temporal IR (by Nattiya Kanhabua)
August 6-10, 2012 L9: Applications to temporal IR (by Nattiya Kanhabua) Support analysis of future-related information in news and Web Extract temporal expressions, i.e., future mentions from news articles Summarize and aggregate results using clustering and time-aware ranking methods Yahoo! Time Explorer The 6th Russian Summer School in IR (RuSSIR'2012)

12 L10: Query Recommendation (by Xiaofei Zhu)
How to suggest suitable query re-formulation

13 L11 / L12 Example applications
2018/12/8 Yi Chen et. al. “Keyword Search on Structured and Semi-Structured Data, SIGMOD 2009 L11 / L12 Example applications It‘s your turn!

14 Questions? The Rules Literature:
The basics of keyword search in databases: the book Jeffrey Xu Yu, Lu Qin, Lijun Chang. Keyword Search in Databases. Synthesis Lectures on Data Management. Morgan & Claypool Publishers Advanced state-of-the-art techniques: papers (pointers will be provided incrementally during the course) Exercise sessions: paper reading, programming assignments, … -> starting next week; today: home reading Attendance: strongly recommended Student talks: 20 minutes talk, overview over 2-3 papers can be shared by a group of 2 students Oral exam (30 minutes) in July Questions? Elena Demidova: Advanced Methods of Information Retrieval

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