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WorkGroup N 02 Countries Iran, Vietnam, Kenya, Jordan, Nigeria, South Africa, Poland and Morocco.

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Presentation on theme: "WorkGroup N 02 Countries Iran, Vietnam, Kenya, Jordan, Nigeria, South Africa, Poland and Morocco."— Presentation transcript:

1 WorkGroup N 02 Countries Iran, Vietnam, Kenya, Jordan, Nigeria, South Africa, Poland and Morocco

2 Relevant national authorities and roles
For the step of siting , the licence is given by a committee , the members are presented as following Ministries of environment , health , energy , urbanism , transport , interior affairs , defence , transport , agriculture For the step of construction , the responsible of licensing is the regulatory body

3 Sub stages and prerequisites for the site licence
Site survey Evaluation of the project Environmental investigation Security investigation Social and economic investigation Soil operation

4 Sub stages and prerequisites for the construction licence
Preliminary safety report Financial statements Seismic report Geotechnical report

5 Licensing submissions for the site and construction
Descriptive construction report Draft plan for the project Site evaluation report Public inquiry strategy plans and reports Report on the management and the organization of the design and construction projects including responsabilities Preliminary safety analysis report (for construction) Technical design report ( for construction )

6 Areas to be addressed in those licensing submissions
PSAR ( preliminary safety analysis report ) Physical and geographical location Climate conditions Hydrological conditions Geological conditions The plant layout and building arrangements

7 Some license conditions
Making of site boundary Control of property transactions Restrictions on nuclear matter on the site Documents records , authorities and certificants Warning notices Instructions to person on sites training Emergemcy arrengements Periodic review Management system Radiological protection Control and supervision of operations ……….

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