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Žemės menas 1950 1960 1970 1980
Žemės menas Postmodernistinės dailės kryptis.
Susiformavo kaip priešprieša parodų ir galerijų dailei. Kūriniai sukurti dirbtinai formuojant natūralius reljefo plotus.
Stonehenge’ as Akmens amžiaus statinys Anglijoje, 2000m. Pr. Kr.
Žmogaus ir gamtos santykis
D.Oppenheim Kiekvienas žmogaus veiklos pėdsakas gamtoje išreiškia žmogaus ir gamtos santykį ir gali būti traktuojamas kaip meninė kūryba.
Žemės meno kūrinių tikslai
„Sugrįžimas į gamtą“; Antiurbanizacija; Susirūpinimas savo planeta; ”Meno dekomercializavimas; Prisijungimas prie ekologinių judėjimų; Christo & Jeanne-Claude Pont Neuf, Paryžius, 1986
Medžiagos Priešindamiesi minimalizmo sterilumui ir dirbtinių medžiagų pomėgiui žemės meno kūrėjai naudojo elementarias, gamtines medžiagas - smėlį, akmenis, skaldą ir pan. Kūriniai sukurti dirbtinai formuojant natūralaus reljefo plotus, kasami grioviai, karjerai, pilami pylimai. Andy Goldsworthy Du ąžuolo kūgiai, 2003
Menininkai Robertas Smithson Michael Heizer Walteris de Maria
Richard Long Denis Oppenheim Andy Goldsworthy Carl Andre
Denis Oppenheim Metinės rievės, 1968.
Richard Long
Richard Long
Walter de Maria Žaibolaidžių laukas,
Michaelis Heizeris Michael Heizer Dvigubas negatyvas, 1969-70.
During 1967,1968 and 1969, Michael Heizer became one of the pioneers in earth art. In 1969, he created a work called displaced-replaced mass. -displaced-replaced mass - granite boulders tons from the High Sierra were placed into depressions cut in the Nevada Desert. A later project called Double Negative was completed in 1971 in Nevada. Double Negative involved the removal of 240,000 tons of stone making two slices 30 feet wide by 50 feet deep on opposing sides of an existing canyon. The two slices in the canyon walls were aligned to imply a line between them. The form was minimal, in fact, it was about removal rather than making something. The clear designation that separates Double Negative from earlier art, is that double negative is about space, rather than the object. At Double Negative one can actually occupy the space of the work, rather than move around or about it. The two slots in the sides of the canyon make the space between them understandable, more evident, or more tangible. Later in his career, Michael Heizer began to do work that involved reclaiming landscapes. His work called Effigy Tumuli in Illinois is composed of 5 abstracted animal earthworks reclaiming the site of an abandoned surface coal mine. The five shapes ( ) - a frog, a water strider, a catfish, a turtle, and a snake - reflect the environment of the site which overlooks the Illinois River. They are also a reflection of the ecological basis of the work as reclamation. The water strider covers a length of nearly 700 feet, the frog nearly 350 feet. Michael Heizer Dvigubas negatyvas,
James Turrell Rodeno krateris, Arizonos valstijoje, veikia nuo 1980.
James Turrell experiments with light - both artificial and natural. His work in the gallery demonstrates illusion that can be achieved with light, and how it may manipulate the perception of space. Out of doors, James Turrell's most significant project is one called Roden Crater (1980). The project involves and extinct volcanic cinder cone near Flagstaff Arizona. When complete, the project will be composed of 7 spaces connected by tunnels that deal with the perception of sun and moon light. The changing qualities of light will be revealed by the contours of the land and quality of light throughout the annual cycle. Rodeno krateris, Arizonos valstijoje, veikia nuo 1980.
Christo Christo & Jeanne-Claude Pont Neuf, Paryžius, Slėnio užuolaida,
Christo & Jeanne-Claude
- Christo & Jeanne-Claude oficialus tinklapis. Skiečių projektas, JAV, Japonija,1991.
Christo Christo & Jeanne-Claude Bėganti tvora, Kalifornija, 1976.
Robert Smithson - Robert Smithson kūrybos tinklapis.
Robert Smithson Robert Smithson Spiralinis molas, 1970.
POSTARS. ”Partitūra” Žemės menas Brandenburgo žemėje, Vokietija ”Europa Biennale Nierlausitz II” metu.
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