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The Next Level Feed Me, Seymour What’s the Matter? Climate Controlled

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Presentation on theme: "The Next Level Feed Me, Seymour What’s the Matter? Climate Controlled"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Next Level Feed Me, Seymour What’s the Matter? Climate Controlled Feel the Impact 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500

2 This level of organization contains organisms that can produce fertile offspring and live in a defined area

3 Population

4 These the levels of nutrition in a food chain.

5 Trophic levels

6 This is the level of organization containing groups of several species in an area.

7 Community

8 When a non-water soluble pollutant enters the ecosystem, it is in greatest concentration on this level.

9 Top consumer level

10 These organisms are likely at the top of the food chain, yet do not hunt and kill.

11 Scavengers

12 These organisms can make their own food from sun energy or chemicals.

13 Autotrophs

14 These organisms feed upon plants and animals

15 Omnivores

16 An ecosystem contains 34,640 Calories at the bottom trophic level.
How many Calories are available to the third trophic level?

17 346.4 Calories

18 These organisms are at the first trohpic level

19 Producers/ Autotrophs

20 Theoretically, a food chain could have infinite trophic levels
Theoretically, a food chain could have infinite trophic levels. Realistically, why can’t it?

21 If only 10% is passed up to the next level, so little energy would get to those high trophic levels that they would be required to eat too much biomass to be satisfied (they would never stop eating).

22 Water enters the atmosphere through these two processes

23 Evaporation and transpiration

24 Organisms need nutrients in order to do this

25 Carry out life processes

26 Nitrogen is made into a form that plants can take in my this process

27 Nitrogen fixation

28 What are the 4 ways that carbon enters the atmosphere?

29 Volcanic eruption exhalation of organisms burning of fossil fuels CO2 in ocean being released

30 This nutrients is essential for nucleic acids (DNA) and it never enters the atmoshpere.

31 Phosphorus

32 Define weather and climate.

33 Weather is day to day conditions Climate is an average of temperature and precipitations for an area

34 The tropical rain forest, tropical dry forest, and tropical savanah all lie within these latitudes.

35 23.5 N and 23.5 S

36 Water heats and cools (slower or faster) than land.

37 slower

38 These gases (list them) are responsible for keeping our climate livable on Earth.

39 CO2, water vapor, methane

40 These two biomes receive the least amount of precipitation annually

41 Tundra and desert

42 This term refers to two organisms of the same kind competing for resources or mates

43 Intraspecific competition

44 This term refers to two organisms of a different species living closely

45 Symbiosis

46 List three ways humans threaten biodiversity.

47 Demand for wildlife products Habitat destruction Pollution Introducing Non-native species

48 After a fire, the steps to rebuilding a community here is described as this.

49 Secondary succession

50 There are tiny unicellular organisms called zooflagellates living in the intestines of termites allowing them to digest cellulose from wood. What kind of relationship is described here?

51 mutualism

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