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Do Now 1 How can we be sure that we are safe while building our robot?

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now 1 How can we be sure that we are safe while building our robot?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now 1 How can we be sure that we are safe while building our robot?

2 How can we be sure that the ROV will work?
Do Now 2 How can we be sure that the ROV will work?

3 What are the three main components in building the SeaPerch?
Do Now 3 What are the three main components in building the SeaPerch?

4 What are the most important details while soldering the control box?
Do Now 4 What are the most important details while soldering the control box?

5 Do Now 5 What are some of the major guidelines that we must apply while building the SeaPerch?

6 Objectives 1 Take an inventory of every part in the SeaPerch kit.
Examine the instructions to build the SeaPerch Design a plan in order to achieve the best results.

7 Objectives 2-5 Separate the work among the group members.
Read the instructions carefully and completely. View and critique the instructional video clip Begin construction.

8 Building your SeaPerch
Check out the first 2 videos

9 Source: NSF “Science and Engineering Indicators 2010”
Current Situation Source: NSF “Science and Engineering Indicators 2010”

10 One Solution-SeaPerch
Based on a book Curriculum designed in 2003 by MIT Funded by ONR as part of the NNRNE AUVSI Foundation will manage program

11 What Is SeaPerch? SeaPerch Focuses on DIVERSITY SeaPerch GIVES BACK
SeaPerch is an educational TOOL SeaPerch is fun and HANDS-ON SeaPerch is a CURRICULUM SeaPerch teaches STEM SeaPerch TRAINS teachers SeaPerch Focuses on DIVERSITY SeaPerch can CHANGE kids’ MINDS SeaPerch GIVES BACK SeaPerch can help find the NEXT GENERATION of STEM Professionals for the Navy and beyond

12 Basic Curriculum Ship and Sub Design Buoyancy Displacement
Motor Movement Soldering Vectors Circuits and Switches Ergonomic Design Depth Measurement Biological Sampling Attenuation of Light

13 National Science Education Content Standards (Grades 9-12)
Science as Inquiry (12ASI) Abilities necessary to do scientific inquiry (12ASI1) Understandings about scientific inquiry (12ASI2) Physical Science (12BPS) Motions and Forces (12BPS4) Conservation of energy and increase in disorder (12BPS5) Interactions of energy and matter (12BPS6 ) Science and Technology (8EST) Abilities of technological designs (12EST1 ) Understanding about science and technology (12EST2) History and Nature of Science (12GHNS) Science as a human endeavor (12GHNS1 ) Nature of scientific knowledge (12GHNS2 ) Historical perspectives (12GHNS3 )

14 Kit Components PVC Pipe Wire Small motors Film canisters Wax Switches
Small Propellers Circuit Board components Other items

15 Cost Cost of Kits $124 per individual SeaPerch Kits
$194 per Teacher Tool Kit Sources of Funding (Ideas) School District Parents (Lab Fees, Club Fees) Grants or local corporate sponsorship (based on what efforts the local schools, teachers, parents wish to undertake)

16 Assessment You will be assess in these ways:
Completion of the SeaPerch Quality of construction and functionality Team work/collaboration Safety Post test

17 SeaPerch Challenge Vehicle Performance Maneuvering (obstacle course)
Recovery Advanced Recovery Innovative Design $20 budget for design enhancement (optional) Team Presentations Student team oral poster presentation on the design and engineering process, lessons learned, teamwork experience

18 Questions? For more info, visit

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