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Generative Models for probabilistic inference Michael Stewart.

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Presentation on theme: "Generative Models for probabilistic inference Michael Stewart."— Presentation transcript:

1 Generative Models for probabilistic inference Michael Stewart

2 Remember the Joint Distribution?

3 What about very large/complex models?

4 "Generative" Modeling Implement probability theory in computer science to infer a joint distribution      Bayesian prior -> posterior provides learning opportunity      Sampling methods are their own field of study Applications in neuroscience, machine learning, biology [1] Requires a model and sampling method...

5 "Generate" examples

6 Define a Model This is a broad procedure; what is the goal? Bio:
observe fMRI data, infer latent locality function in brain observe genome data, infer latent gene relationships AI: observe words, infer latent topics or semantic information

7 How to sample Rejection sampling: no Usually a kind of Gibbs/MCMC

8 Some implementations:
[2] BLOG [3] Church [4] Python modules provided by Tom Haines      

9 Recommended reading   A. Daud, J. Li, L. Zhou, and F. Muhammad, "Knowledge discovery through directed probabilistic topic models: a survey," Frontiers of Computer Science in China, vol. 4, no. 2, pp , Jun [Online]. Available: M. Steyvers and T. Griffiths, Probabilistic Topic Models. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, [Online]. Available: N. Goodman, J. Tenenbaum, T. O'Donnell, and the Church Working Group. Probabilistic Models of Cognition  Coin examples: Church Learning as Conditional Inference

10 References [1] A. Venkataraman, Y. Rathi, M. Kubicki, C.-F. Westin, and P. Golland, "Joint generative model for fMRI/DWI and its application to population studies." Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, vol. 13, no. Pt 1, pp , [Online]. Available: [2] B. Milch, B. Marthi, S. Russell, D. Sontag, D. L. Ong, and A. Kolobov, "Blog: Probabilistic models with unknown objects," in In IJCAI, 2005, pp [Online]. Available: [3] N. D. Goodman, V. K. Mansinghka, D. Roy, K. Bonawitz, and J. B. Tenenbaum, "Church: a language for generative models," in Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, 2008. [Online]. Available: [4] plate notation example: M. Steyvers and T. Griffiths, Probabilistic Topic Models. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, [Online]. Available:

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