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Achievements and Challenges: [Insert School Here]

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Presentation on theme: "Achievements and Challenges: [Insert School Here]"— Presentation transcript:

1 Achievements and Challenges: [Insert School Here]
[Presenter Name] [Presenter Position] 2013 Regional Conference

2 University Information
Insert school demographics here, such as: Enrollment info, numbers of programs, etc. Insert GSA budget info here Student fees directed to the GSA, estimated Budget, etc.

3 GSA Structure Insert positions on your Executive Committee here and list the structure of your GSA

4 Current Initiatives In this space, detail your current initiatives your GSA is undertaking.

5 Social Events Outline the social events your GSA hosts here.

6 Communication What methods of communication does your GSA use to communicate with the graduate student population?

7 [Insert greatest Accomplishment]
Use this slide to detail one of your GSA’s top priorities/accomplishments from this past year.

8 [Insert Greatest Challenge/Mistake/Failure]
Not all initiatives we undertake are successful. NAGPS is a group of friends, so no mistake shared will be judged. Challenges should be reflected upon as learning opportunities, so we should all feel comfortable sharing.

9 Future Goals Use this space to list future goals your GSA plans to take on

10 Most Important Leadership Lesson Learned
Thinking back through the past year, what can you share about leading your organization? Pick just one important thing you wish you knew, thought of, or someone told you before you started.

11 Comments & Questions

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