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Basics of Classification

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1 Basics of Classification
By Mr. Krall

2 Classification - Putting things into groups based on similarities.

3 Classifying = putting thing into groups based on similarities.
CIRCLE GROUP They are classified by their similar shapes. Let’s classify. SQUARE GROUP TRIANGLE GROUP

4 Classifying = putting thing into groups based on similarities.
GREEN GROUP This time they are grouped by color. Here’s another way. BLUE GROUP RED GROUP

5 Items can be classified in different ways…
Classified by shape Either of these classification systems works. Classified by color circle square triangle blue green red … and there’s nothing wrong with that.

6 Sometimes a classification system fails when something new comes along…
Classified by shape Classified by color Hmmm… What’s this? circle square triangle blue green red

7 Both systems worked for all the current objects, but…
Classified by shape It doesn’t fit into the other system however.. Classified by color It fits right in over here. circle square triangle blue green red ? now what do we do?

8 When the system doesn’t work...
If you can’t adjust the system... So we have to make one. Now our new object has a group to go in. We don’t have a group for this new item. Classified by color blue green red orange ? …then you need a new system. …it’s okay to adjust the system.

9 Classification - Putting things into groups based on similarities.

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