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DMS HIP WO Physical disability

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1 DMS HIP WO Physical disability
Group number 5 Arroj Arroj,Maimona,Bushra,Fiza

2 Disability Physical

3 Objectives/Expected Outcomes
1.To understand physical disabilities and physically disabled people in hong kong. 2.To raise the awarness of physical disabilities in junior students of Delia (Hip wo) 3.To promote harmonius campus and society

4 Focus Questions 1.What are physical disabilities and its related charateristics? 2.How do physical disabilities affect our daily lives? 3.Do junior student in our school have enough understanding of physical disabilities? 4.What can we and our government do to improve the lives of the physically disabled?

5 We have chosen the following data-collecting methods
Primary Data Thematic Talk (Dec 2017) Classroom Experiment Statements and Questions Survey

6 Definition of physical disbailities
A physical disability is a limitation on a person's physical functioning, mobility, dexterity or stamina. Other physical disabilities include impairments which limit other facets of daily living, such as respiratory disorders, blindness, epilepsy and sleep disorders. Perinatal disabilities are acquired between some weeks before to up to four weeks after birth in humans. These can be due to prolonged lack of oxygen

7 Comparison between congenital and acquired physical disabilities(explanation with examples)
Congenital physical disabilities Acuquried physical disabilities knowledge:Difference between congenital physical disabilities and aquired physical disabilities Difficulties faced by physically disabled people in their daily lives and the assistive tools to improve their lives Comparision of people of congenital and acquired physical disabilities respectively difficulties faced by physically disabled people in hong kong

8 Difficulties faced by physically disabled people in HK
Disabled people have difficulties in self-care. Among the people with disabilities living in households, 42.5% states that they have a person to take care of their daily living due to their disabilities (The Census and Statistics Department, 2009). This situation is even worse for those who are paralyzed, for example, Tang Siu-pun (鄧紹斌). He had to rely on the others in activities of daily living, including eating, bathing and dressing. Difficulties faced by physically disabled people in their daily lives and the assistive tools to improve their lives

9 Purposes of the class physical disabillity experiment/activity/challenge
We hade a experiment of sitting on a wheelchair and try to move by yourself I was sitting on the wheelchair as my partner Fiza was taking a video of me that how I struggle in a bit of part like turning to right and left and bushra was helping me if I was stuck in some places and Kerby was helping me to press the lift button and help me to hold the lift.It was difficult but I try it

10 How it feels like to be physically disabled person?
How did physical disability interfare with my abilities and activites? What was most bothersome about being physically disabled? What things did I have to do to overcome the difficulties I experienced with physical disability? The term "in spite of their disabilities" is often used to describe successful disabled people, eliding the many factors that contribute to their success. 

11 Ans of how it feels like to be physically disabled person?
Ans:Physical disability may have an impact on some or all activities to a greater or lesser extent Ans:Ans:opeing doors,going tolite,waiting for lifts for long time Ans:Nearly everyone faces hardships and difficulties at one time or another. But for people with disabilities, barriers can be more frequent and have greater impact.

12 Special needs of physically disabled people
Students may have physical disabilitiesarising from conditions such as congenital deformities, spina bifida and/or hydrocephalus, muscular dystrophy, cerebral palsy, brittle bones, haemophilia, cystic fibrosis or severe accidental injury.

13 Suggestion to the school
There is a disbaled toilet in 6th floor but its always lock There are some wheelchair in DC room for disabled people In our school lifts are provided for disabled people If physically disabled people doesn’t feel well there are some beds in DC room

14 T/F statements and Question
Does our school have any disabled tolite for disabled people? Is the accessible tolite in our school always available for student to use? Which floor is the accessible tolite located in our school? Which party should we turn to if we need to borrow a wheel chair Which party should we turn to if we need to borrow a ramp?

15 Analysis(Graph 1:T/F statements)
Ans:Yes there is in 6th floor (By ruhi 3C) Ans:No because its always lock (By rizwana) Ans:6th floor (by ruhi) Ans:DC room (By rizwana) Ans:DC room (by ruhi)

16 Explanation of graph 1 In graph 1 we ask about are there any useful things like e.g any tolites and wheelchairs for physical disabled people

17 Graph 2 (our answers) yes there is in 6th floor but its always locked 🔐 6th floor DC room A

18 Summary How much do hip wo students understand physically disabled people. Ans:maybe half of the school. Do hip wo students have enough understanding of phyically disabled people? Maybe

19 Literature study Literature studied:
‘smart device gives elderly and disabled more time to cross Hong Kong’s busy streets’ Electornic wheelchair Lifts Escalator Priority sit

20 How can we and our government better cater for the needs of physically disabled people?
Help the blind people How can we build a harmonius campus and society with people with different and special needs and abilities? Help the elderly and other physical disabled people give them love❤

21 Reflection Knowledge Skills Value
Response to the focus question and objectives i.e can the project answer the focus question,meet the objectives,and provide some good insights to you?



24 Thank you

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