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The MATURA System, an overview. Matura Slide series The Matura System, an overview.

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Presentation on theme: "The MATURA System, an overview. Matura Slide series The Matura System, an overview."— Presentation transcript:

1 The MATURA System, an overview

2 Matura Slide series The Matura System, an overview

3 A new way… A new way to distribute cables and ducts

4 The matrix tiles The matrix tiles are placed on the load bearing floor Bottom side of the matrix tile

5 Drain pipes Drainage pipes fit in the grooves at the bottom

6 Gas lines Gas lines also fit in the bottom grooves

7 ventilation Tiles are cut to accommodate ventilation ducts between them

8 Water and cv Conduits for hot and cold water and for central heating run in the grooves on top of the tiles

9 Base profiles Base profiles also fit in the upper grooves

10 Floor boards Floor boards go between the base profiles

11 Cables in base profile Cables for power, telephone and data run in the base profiles

12 Walls on top of b.p. Partitioning walls are placed on top of the base profiles

13 Base board covers Base board covers with or without outlets, close the base profile channel

14 Outlets in walls Outlets in the partitioning walls connect to the cables in the base profile

15 equipment Bathroom and kitchen equipment connects to the conduits un the matrix tiles

16 Upper and lower system The matrix tiles with the base profiles and the conduits and cables in them make for the lower system Partitioning, doors, and equipment constitute the upper system which is available from third parties

17 Mcad examples The MaturaCad software makes rapid design and specification possible

18 Drainage system Example showing the drain pipes connecting to a collector pipe which connects to the vertical main drain

19 Conduits under tiles Conduits under the matrix tiles are shown in nominal representation ventilation dranage water

20 enlargement Enlargement of the conduits under the matrix tiles

21 Lines in upper grooves Systems in the upper grooves of the matrix tiles Base profiles Central heating water

22 Nominal presentation of former Detail of lines in the upper grooves in nominal representation

23 Floor boards Floor boards between the base profiles

24 Every dwelling its own plan

25 No dimensional restrictions

26 Choice of components

27 Fast delivery

28 Matura Slide series

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