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EntrepreneurShip Investigation (ESI): A Holistic Integration of Youth, Community and Careers NAE4-HA October 24, 2007 Atlanta, Georgia.

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Presentation on theme: "EntrepreneurShip Investigation (ESI): A Holistic Integration of Youth, Community and Careers NAE4-HA October 24, 2007 Atlanta, Georgia."— Presentation transcript:

1 EntrepreneurShip Investigation (ESI): A Holistic Integration of Youth, Community and Careers NAE4-HA October 24, 2007 Atlanta, Georgia

2 EntrepreneurShip Investigation Patricia Fairchild, Ed.D. Associate Professor 4-H Curriculum Design and Youth Entrepreneur Specialist University of NebraskaLincoln Extension Nancy Eberle Entrepreneur Coordinator UNL 4-H Diane Vigna, Ph.D. Associate Professor and Extension Specialist UNL Department of Textiles, Clothing & Design

3 Nebraska Community Foundation RUPRI Center for Rural Entrepreneurship Heartland Center for Leadership Development Center for Rural Affairs Congressional Office of the Honorable Tom Osborne UnL Extension 4-H Youth Development UNL Department of Agricultural Economics College of Agriculture and Natural Resources UNL Department of Textiles, Clothing & Design College of Education and Human Sciences Southeast Community College McCook Community College The Jim and Penny Krieger Family Foundation

4 Assessing Opportunities for Community Support for Youth Entrepreneurship In Rural Nebraska Nathan Haman, M.S. November 2005

5 The Research Statement The purpose of the research To determine the entrepreneurial opportunities available to youth in rural communities in Nebraska

6 The Research Statement To discover how diverse community members view the opportunities for youth entrepreneurship within the community.

7 Focus Groups Three communities were selected for this study based on perceived levels of awareness of importance of entrepreneurship, and entrepreneurial activity within the community.

8 Focus Groups Three focus groups in each community Group 1 - Community leaders Group 2 - Informal community leaders – Ag teacher, business ed teacher, former mayor, etc. Group 3 - Extension faculty, 4-H volunteers and youth

9 Conclusions A curriculum is needed to link youth to community through entrepreneurship.

10 Recommendations Address the issue of youth entrepreneurship from the youth perspective.

11 Recommendations for 4-H A youth-focused entrepreneurship curriculum is needed Must involve the community Provide training for mentors Create a roadmap to becoming an entrepreneur

12 Recommendations for 4-H A youth-focused entrepreneurship curriculum is needed Teach youth to write a business plan Make it accessible to all, regardless of age, community, school The whole curriculum should be available in one book, or a series of manuals

13 Why Entrepreneurship? New hope for rural America

14 Why Entrepreneurship? Communities can control their own destinies

15 Why Entrepreneurship? Opportunities for youth to return to rural areas

16 What is Entrepreneurship? Entrepreneur – a person who creates and grows an enterprise

17 What is Entrepreneurship? Entrepreneurship – the process through which entrepreneurs create and grow enterprises. Opportunity recognition Idea creation Venture creation and operation Creative thinking (Dabson et. al, 2003)

18 Economic contributions of entrepreneurs In the USA, between 1996-2004, nearly 550,000 new businesses were started every month (Fairlie, 2005) Small rapid-growth companies grow nearly 2/3 of the new jobs in this country (National Commission on Entrepreneurship).

19 Why Youth Entrepreneurship Education? 25% of kindergartners demonstrate important entrepreneurial characteristics (need for achievement and risk taking). 3% of high school age youth demonstrate the same characteristics. (Kourilsky,Walstad, 1998)

20 Why Youth Entrepreneurship Education? 69% of high school age students would like to start their own business 94% of those feel they are not prepared to do so (Gallup, 1994).

21 4-H Connection Accessible to all youth no matter where they live or go to school Tied to all 4-H curriculum areas Horizontal and vertical integration with the existing 4-H curriculum Experiential Learning Model Each chapter is linked with School Standards. What Makes this curriculum Unique?


23 4-H programming targets life skills

24 EntrepreneurShip Investigation: Experiential Learning 4-H Motto: Learning by Doing

25 Experiential Learning Model

26 Community Involvement Based on research Crucial for success Input from experts RUPRI Center for Rural Entrepreneurship UNL Rural Initiative UNL Agricultural Economics Dept. UNL Extension Community Resource Development Action Team What Makes this curriculum Unique?

27 Integrated Technology Used as a tool for entrepreneurs As a delivery method ESI Website ESI CD-Rom What Makes this curriculum Unique?









36 Case Studies Youth entrepreneurs Adult entrepreneurs What Makes this curriculum Unique?

37 Edwin Perkins Creativity Risk Taker Independent ? ? ? ? ? Investigators Notebook

38 ESI Authors and Contributors Gregg Christensen Brittany Davidson Gwen Davidson Lois Dietsch Nancy Eberle Dennis Kahl Katelyn Larson Becky Moock Shelley Mowinkel Charlotte Narjes Patricia Fairchild Marilyn Schlake Craig Schroeder Donna Strabala Derry Trempe Diane Vigna DeEtta Vrana


40 Unit 1 – Discover the E-Scene Learn what it means to be an Entrepreneur

41 Investigating the Entrepreneur Profile Learn what an entrepreneur is by interpreting information about Edwin Perkins, founder of Kool Aid®.

42 Investigating Who is Down the Block Identify local community entrepreneurs and understand how entrepreneurs had a role in making the community what it is.

43 Investigating Yourself Exploration of talents, interests and hobbies and how they can relate to a business idea.

44 Investigating What it Takes to Be an Entrepreneur Identify skills entrepreneurs need to succeed, and see how those skills relate to personal skills.

45 Discovering your Family Entrepreneur Explore and better understand how entrepreneurship can be a career opportunity by looking at examples from family history.

46 Investigating the Risks Learn to make decisions using a decision making grid while exploring the risks and rewards of entrepreneurship.

47 Peeking into the Future Identify and write accomplishable smart goals.

48 Whats Changed? Explore how communities have changed, and how the changes have affected the business climate. Use Geographic Information System (GIS) technology to help with community research.

49 Celebration for Completion After completing Unit One, and an evaluation form online, youth will be sent a certificate (suitable for framing) declaring them to be an ESI Explorer!


51 Unit 2 – The Case of Me Develop basic skills needed to succeed in the professional and business world

52 Is that My Conscience I Hear Talking Let Your Conscience Be Your Guide Where Do You Stand? This I Believe Building Your Reputation

53 YOU Can Make A Difference Undercover Kindness Sharing the Wealth Discover Philanthropy Finding a Cause Whos Giving?

54 Playing the Part Dress Like a Pro Think Positive Acting the Part

55 Got Time? Time Flies Time is Wasted, Time is Saved The Value of Time Getting Control of Your Time

56 Selling Yourself and Your Ideas Selling the Big Idea You Can Sell Selling the Real You!

57 Staying in Business and Out of Court Legally Named? Pay my Uncle Sam? Help! I Need Somebody

58 Mapping the Route Who Needs a Road Map? Worst Case Scenario

59 Celebration for Completion After completing Unit Two, and filling out an evaluation form, youth will be sent a certificate (suitable for framing) declaring them to be an ESI Detective!


61 Unit 3 – Your Business Inspection Largest Unit 65 Activities 23 Chapters 3 Sections Concept Development Resourcing Start-up

62 Concept Development First 4 Chapters: What are the Possibilities? Uncovering Your Business Ideas Digging Deeper, Flying Higher Spotlight on Your Business. Narrow the field Decision Possibilities

63 Resourcing Chapters 5 - 7 Takin Care of Business Show Me the Money!!!! Building Your Team

64 Start Up Chapters 8 - 22 Customer Service: What is Customer Service? Create a Customer Service Handbook Well Keep in Touch Marketing: Who Is the Intended Target? Product: Packaging Under Wraps Investigating the Product Scene

65 Start Up Marketing Place: At the Scene A Thorough Sweep of the Competition Price: Products at All Costs The Motive Promotion: The Clues are Everywhere The Advertising Detective

66 Start-Up Understanding Financials Collecting and Organizing Clues Analyzing the Clues Going with the Flow The Motive (Pricing) Final Chapter (to be developed)

67 Celebration for Completion After completing Unit Three, and filling out an evaluation form online, youth will be sent a certificate which is suitable for framing, declaring them to be an ESI Case Investigator!

68 Lets Experience ESI!

69 Questions to Consider Please envision how this curriculum can be successfully delivered in the following settings: 4-H Club Community Group Camp School – after school School – in classroom What resources or who from your community would you like involved? What is your initial impression of the curriculum?

70 References Dabson, B., Malkin, J., Matthews, A., Pate K., and Stickle, S. (2003). Mapping Rural Entrepreneurship. W.K. Kellogg Foundation, Corporation for Enterprise Development. Retrieved February 15, 2006 from Fairlie, R.W. (2005). Kauffman Index of Entrepreneurial Activity. Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation. Retrieved February 15, 2006 from Gallup Organization, Inc. & National Center for Research Education. 1994. Entrepreneurship and Small Business in the United States: A Survey Report of tne Views of the General Public, Highs Csholl Students, and Small Business Owners and Managers. Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation. Kansas City, MO.

71 References Kourilsky, M. L., and Walstad, W. B. 1998. Entrepreneurship and female youth: Knowledge, attitudes, gender differences, and educational practices. Journal of Business Venturing, 13 (1), 77-88. Markley, D., Macke, D., Luther, V. B., 2005. Energizing Entrepreneurs: Charting a Course for Rural Communities. Lincoln NE: Heartland Center for Leadership Development. Minniti, M., Bygrave W. D. (2003). Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) National Entrepreneurship Assessment, United States of America. Retrieved February 15, 2006 from

72 References National Commission on Entrepreneurship. Embracing Innovation: Entrepreneurship and American Economic Growth. Retrieved on February 16, 2006 from National 4-H Enrollment Statistics. Retrieved on February 15, 2006 from es237.pdf es237.pdf

73 EntrepreneurShip Investigation Thank You!

74 ESI: Explore the Possibilities! Patricia Fairchild, Ed.D. 402-472-4067

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