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TeachNJ By Heather Perruso.

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1 TeachNJ By Heather Perruso

2 Today’s Agenda TeachNJ Observations Student Growth Objectives (SGO)
Student Growth Percentile (SGP)

3 TeachNJ: What is it? TeachNJ: Teacher Effectiveness and Accountability for the Children of New Jersey Goal “is to raise student achievement by improving instruction through the adoption of evaluations that provide specific feedback to educators, inform the provision of aligned professional development, and inform personnel decisions;”

4 What Does It Mean For Me? Observations:
High quality State-approved teacher practice instruments used during observations provide a basis for deep discussion about teaching.  During post-observation conferences, supervisors can provide more tailored feedback to help identify areas to develop throughout the year.  These goals and plans can then be incorporated in each educator's Professional Development Plan (PDP).

5 What Does It Mean For Me? Student Growth Objectives (SGOs):
Developing and tracking SGOs provides a structured way to think about academic standards, Assessing what students know and can do, Adjusting instruction to help students meet short and long term learning goals.  At the end of the year, data from SGOs and observations can inform PDP goals for the following year. Student Growth Percentiles (SGPs):  By examining SGP results, teachers and their supervisors can examine patterns of students' academic growth.  These patterns can inform professional learning goals.


7 Teacher Evaluation Teacher evaluation consists of 2 primary components: Teacher Practice measured primarily by classroom observations Student Achievement measured by Student Growth Objectives and, for some teachers, Student Growth Percentiles 

8 Teacher Evaluation Requirements
Non-tenured teachers Tenured teachers 3 required observations each year. first two years of employment 2 long observations & 1 short observation third and fourth years of employment 1 long & 2 short observations 3 required observations each year. 3 short observations it is not required that short observations be announced at least one of the three observations must have a pre-conference. Any teacher or principal hired before the August 6, 2012 signing of the tenure bill is grandfathered in to the previous 3-year tenure-granting process.

9 Teacher Observation Requirements Chart

10 Danielson Model of Teacher Evaluation

11 Student Growth Objective (SGO)
According to the NJDOE (2013), “Student Growth Objectives (SGOs) are academic goals for groups of students that are aligned to state standards and can be tracked using objective measures.” Teachers set SGO’s for their students at the start of the year Teachers are assessed on whether those objectives are met at the end of the year.

12 Student Growth Objectives
Academic goals should be aligned to standards measured using high quality assessments of various types including locally-developed tests, performance assessments, and portfolios. Teachers of non-tested grades and subjects required to set two SGOs; a teacher’s ability to meet or exceed his or her SGOs counts for 20% of the overall evaluation. Teachers of tested grades and subjects required to set one or two SGOs; a teacher’s ability to meet or exceed his or her SGO(s) counts for 20% of the overall evaluation.

13 Student Growth Percentiles
All students CAN show growth. Starting Point for Student Growth Percentiles (SGP) measure how much a student has learned from one year to the next compared to peers with similar academic history from across the state.

14 Student Growth Percentiles
Develop a sequence of assessments over a period of time to chart student growth Students scored on a scale from 1 – 99. Growth baseline established by student’s prior learning as measured by all of student’s NJ ASK results.

15 How does Teacher Evaluations affect tenure?
Teachers must consistently demonstrate that they are effective instructors through multiple observations of their practice as well as student growth. Non-tenured teachers hired must be rated Effective or Highly Effective at least twice in their second, third, and fourth years of teaching in the district to be eligible to earn tenure. To maintain tenure, teachers must consistently earn ratings of Effective or Highly Effective.

16 Growth and Development
Mandatory Mentoring for 1st year teachers Ongoing Professional Development for all teaching staff Corrective Action Plan (CAP) Any teaching staff member who is rated Ineffective or Partially Effective on their evaluation receive additional support through a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) Teacher will work with supervisor to correct areas in need of improvement

17 Questions? Concerns? Next PLC Danielson Model Breakdown and how to implement it into your classroom!

18 Sources

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