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Welcome to Benhams’ Meet and Greet evening.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Benhams’ Meet and Greet evening."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Benhams’ Meet and Greet evening.

2 Fresh start! 8:35 Arrive 8:40 Lessons Start

3 Classroom staff Mrs simmons –Tuesday/Friday Mrs Haldane– Monday/Wednesday mrs Scanlan/mrs Lilly

4 Maths K English H A C E N R U B L Spelling MFL/ICT Mr Butt PE
8:40 9:00 10:00 10:30 10:45 12:00 1:15 2:15 MONDAY Assembly Minimaths Maths K English Spelling H MFL/ICT Mr Butt PE TUESDAY Mental A Group reading C Music/PSHE Geog/History Class assembly WEDNESDAY DUTY E N RE Class assembly THURSDAY R U Science PHSE Singing assembly FRIDAY SuperHeroTest B L Art/DT Homework (RE during swimming) Golden Time

5 Routines. settled in well
Routines *settled in well *timetable- do they have everything they need for the day *problems? *Parent evening October 5:30-7 and 18 October :30 *Marking (purple/orange) *PE days- please have the correct kit *everything named please

6 Ability grouping *reading *writing *maths

7 Assessment. In reading, writing, maths. On going
Assessment *In reading, writing, maths. *On going *using various types-verbal/ written * milestones

8 How can you help. sewing/art/cooking. trips – letters will go out
How can you help? *sewing/art/cooking *trips – letters will go out * please check the website regularly and read letters that are ed to you as this is the main means of communication from the school.

9 Homework. Set Friday –Friday
Homework *Set Friday –Friday *reading-in on week day following the day they read *spelling- every monday *maths- tables test every friday * Will be reduced homework challenges this year-about 4 Please check any homework done.

10 New books. learning journal. extended writing
New books *learning journal *extended writing *Handwriting – cursive Please encourage neat handwriting in any homework

11 Thank you for attending tonight and showing an interest in your child’s education.

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