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“They're brilliantly inclusive which is why we sent our son here.”

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Presentation on theme: "“They're brilliantly inclusive which is why we sent our son here.”"— Presentation transcript:

1 “They're brilliantly inclusive which is why we sent our son here.”
“John Ball is a fantastic community primary school, with dedicated teaching staff and good facilities” “They're brilliantly inclusive which is why we sent our son here.” “The overall environment for children is friendly” “All members of staff I have dealt with over the years have been very professional, whilst genuinely caring for the children and approachable. I feel there is a sense of partnership with parents too” “The overall environment for children is friendly “ “Openness of the teachers. Friendliness of all of the staff. The meet and greet system in the morning in reception and after school.” “The classroom teachers are awesome.” “The staff, they are exceptional; talented, patient and willing to help”

2 John Ball School - Parent Questionnaire – Results 17/18
292 parents/carers responded covering all year groups, suggesting strong parental engagement with the school. We are very pleased with this level of commitment. Overall, responses at “strongly agree” and “agree” combined are between 94% and 38% for each of the core questions. Although “strongly agree” response is down from last year “agree” has significantly increased. School lunches, levels of homework and behavior management (bullying) get the poorest scores. 89% would recommend this school to another parent, which is very strong. Over 200 respondents find JBuzz to be the most effective form of communication. Class Dojo and Text Messages are also popular methods. Parents are positive about teaching staff, diversity, ethos and sense community. Where 27% of parents don’t know about behavior which includes bullying, Ofsted would interpret this positively and as such lift the overall % of Agree and Strongly agree to 84%



5 Please note that Ofsted does not allow respondents to select “Don’t Know” for this question

6 Initial responses for further discussion at Parent / Carer Consultation event
Home / school communication including reporting pupil progress Revise the annual calendar of reporting to parents to include 2 sessions of Parent / Carer / Teacher interviews during the year Improve the frequency of class assemblies and opportunities for more informal contact with pupils’ learning in school e.g. sharing of learning events Ensure consistency of the use of Class Dojo and use of it to share learning updates / share good practice Reintroduce the Curriculum Information Sheet – what we are learning this term Home learning Introduce the home learning log across the schools linked to whole school themes of learning / open ended tasks Review and develop the use of online home learning platforms currently in use Behaviour and bullying Revise school values system in line with the existing behaviour for learning policy Further staff training on anti-bullying and review of PSHE curriculum as part of overall ongoing curriculum review Curriculum and after school clubs / activities Expand and develop the existing extra curricular offer from Sept. School Lunches Share feedback with Chartwells and review as part of annual review process. Share feedback with Lewisham who monitor the quality of the contract for Lewisham schools.

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