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You will be given the answer. You must give the correct question.

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Presentation on theme: "You will be given the answer. You must give the correct question."— Presentation transcript:

1 You will be given the answer. You must give the correct question.
5th Grade Review Jeopardy Choose a category. You will be given the answer. You must give the correct question. Click to begin.

2 Click here for Final Jeopardy
Choose a point value. Choose a point value. Click here for Final Jeopardy

3 Ecosystems Landforms Weather & Climate Category C Forces & Motion All of the Above $100 10 Point $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

4 $100 What we call anything that is living.

5 $100 What is an organism? Or What is biotic?
Return $100 What is an organism? Or What is biotic?

6 $200 Biome with the most rainfall, can be tropical or cold.

7 $200 What is the Rainforest?
Return $200 What is the Rainforest?

8 $300 The total number of a specific type of animal in an area.

9 Return $300 What is a Population?

10 $400 Only small bushes and shrubs and small animals live in this biome.

11 $400 What is the tundra (or taiga)?
Return $400 What is the tundra (or taiga)?

12 $500 An animal that eats dead animals.

13 Return $500 What is a scavenger?

14 $100 The process of wearing away rock by wind, water, or ice.

15 $100 What is weathering? Return

16 $200 Small pieces of dirt, rock, sand, etc
$200 Small pieces of dirt, rock, sand, etc. that are carried away by wind, water, or ice.

17 Return $200 What is sediment?

18 $300 A large ice mass that can create U-shaped valleys.

19 Return $300 What is a glacier?

20 $400 One way to describe the twisting of a moving body of water.

21 Return $400 What is a meander?

22 $500 A result of a moving body of water slowing and sediment settling.

23 Return $500 What is a deposit?

24 The precipitation, wind speed, etc. at a certain time and location.
$100 The precipitation, wind speed, etc. at a certain time and location.

25 Return $100 What is weather?

26 $200 The amount of time a drop of water is on the earth or in our atmosphere.

27 Return $200 What is forever?

28 $300 The process of changing from a liquid to a gas.

29 $300 What is evaporation? Return

30 $400 Invisible water in the air, sometimes called humidity.

31 Return $400 What is water vapor?

32 $500 What we see on the outside of a glass when we put a cold drink in a warmer room.

33 Return $500 What is condensation?

34 $100 The measurement of how long it takes an object to travel a certain distance.

35 $100 What is speed? Return

36 $200 Property that describes that an object that is still will stay still (or that is moving will continue to move).

37 Return $200 What is inertia?

38 $300 This is what causes an object to move.

39 $300 What is an unbalanced force?
Return $300 What is an unbalanced force?

40 $400 When an object moves the same distance every second
$400 When an object moves the same distance every second. For example, he walked 5 feet during second one, 5 feet during second two, 5 feet during second three…

41 $400 What is a constant rate of change? Or What is a constant speed?
Return $400 What is a constant rate of change? Or What is a constant speed?

42 $500 The result of increasing the slope when rolling a ball down a ramp.

43 Return $500 What is acceleration?

44 $100 Making an educated guess about what might happen in an experiment.

45 Return $100 What is a hypothesis?

46 $200 Looking, listening, and smelling carefully.

47 Return $200 What is observing?

48 $300 A shovel digging in the ground, a door stop holding open a door, or a tool to poking a balloon with a needle.

49 Return $300 What is a wedge?

50 $400 The result of two objects touching one another (usually slows down and object).

51 Return What is friction?

52 $500 Form of energy that increases or decreases due to the position of the object.

53 $500 What is potential energy?
Return $500 What is potential energy?

54 Final Jeopardy Make your wager- How much are you willing to risk?
Minimum is $0, maximum is the total of what you have!

55 Four natural processes that help shape the surface of the earth.

56 Return What are moving water, moving ice, wind, gravity, and roots from plants?

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