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Provisional Title: An investigation into the use of geoboards as visualisation tools in the teaching of quadrilaterals. Research questions: How can a geoboard.

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Presentation on theme: "Provisional Title: An investigation into the use of geoboards as visualisation tools in the teaching of quadrilaterals. Research questions: How can a geoboard."— Presentation transcript:

1 Provisional Title: An investigation into the use of geoboards as visualisation tools in the teaching of quadrilaterals. Research questions: How can a geoboard be utilized as a visualisation tool in the teaching of basic shapes? What are the teachers experiences of using a geoboard as a visualisation tool in the teaching of quadrilateral?

2 Background and theories
Learners struggle with conceptual understanding of the properties of quadrilaterals. Much of what we want learners to learn about quadrilaterals can be accomplished with ‘geoboard figures’ (Kennedy & McDowell, 1998). Research shows that learners who use manipulatives in their mathematics classes usually outperform those who do not (Butler et al. 2003, Guarino et al. 2013; Johnson 2000; Lane 2010; Thompson 2012) However, there are studies on the learning of geometry that show that learners who used manipulatives showed lower achievement (Palardy & Rumberger, 2008). Manipulatives do not “carry mathematical ideas directly to the learner” (Sarama & Clemens, 2016, p. 73) CONCEPTUAL FOCUS: Visualisation, level 1 of van Hiele’s of teaching geometry and conceptual understanding. THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK: Constructivism: activity based learning RATIONALE/SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY: Even though, by nature a geoboard is a visual manipulative, on its own it cannot automatically facilitate visualisation processes. Hence a need of investigating on how it can be used as a visualisation tool for the purpose of effectively teach quadrilaterals

3 Research design The research will be oriented in an interpretive paradigm The ‘interpretive paradigm offers an opportunity to engage in-depth description and understanding of action and events’ (Babbie & Mouton, 2001). Qualitative study Case study Method Intervention programme (Q1. pilot, Q2. intervention) Three grade 7 teachers

4 Sample Data collection tools Three grade 7 mathematics teachers
Kunene region, Opuwo district Semi-rural schools Data collection tools Video recording (observation) Interview all teachers

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