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Welcome to Jeopardy!.

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1 Welcome to Jeopardy!


3 Final Jeopardy Round 1 Round 2

4 Novel Questions 1 Novel Questions 2 Themes Roll the dice!! Gothic Elements Characters $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

5 Gothic Elements

6 Characters

7 Novel Questions 1

8 Novel Questions 2

9 Themes

10 Roll the Dice!!

11 Gothic Elements Characters Novel Questions 1 Novel Questions 2 Themes Roll the Dice!!! Round 2 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 Final Jeopardy $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 Scores $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

12 A striking change in appearance; A change in the form or function
of an organism by a natural or unnatural process $100

13 What is metamorphosis (Transformation)?
$100 What is metamorphosis (Transformation)? Scores

14 The ghostly counterpart of another human.
$200 The ghostly counterpart of another human.

15 $200 What is a doppleganger?

16 $300 Literary convention used to obscure objects, reduce visibility, or preclude something terrible

17 $300 What is fog/mist? Scores

18 $400 When the narrator’s ability to accurately relate the events of the story is not quite trustworthy.

19 What is an unreliable narrator?
$400 What is an unreliable narrator? Scores

20 $500 The gothic element in which a force relentlessly, terminally, and unavoidably pursues, persecutes, or chastises another for some real or imagined wrong.

21 What is the pursued protagonist?
$500 What is the pursued protagonist? Scores

22 Arctic explorer who rescued Frankenstein
$100 Arctic explorer who rescued Frankenstein

23 $100 Who is Robert Walton? Scores

24 Wrongly executed for murder.
$200 Wrongly executed for murder.

25 $200 Who is Justine? Scores

26 $300 Youngest member of the Frakenstien family

27 Who is William Frankenstein?
$300 Who is William Frankenstein? Scores

28 Daily Double

29 $400 Frankenstein’s favorite professor.

30 $400 Who is M. Waldman? Scores

31 Was double-crossed by the Turk.
$500 Was double-crossed by the Turk.

32 $500 Who is Felix De Lacey? Scores

33 $100 The threat the creature makes after Frankenstein backs out on their agreement.

34 What is “I will see you on your wedding night”?
$100 What is “I will see you on your wedding night”? Scores

35 How the creature learned to speak and read.
$200 How the creature learned to speak and read.

36 What is he spied on the cottagers?
$200 What is he spied on the cottagers? Scores

37 The two major events that happened to Frankenstein when he was 17.
$300 The two major events that happened to Frankenstein when he was 17.

38 What is his mother died and he went off to college?
$300 What is his mother died and he went off to college? Scores

39 The reason Robert Walton is in the Arctic.
$400 The reason Robert Walton is in the Arctic.

40 $400 What is to find a northern passage for trading or to find the source of magnetism? Scores

41 $500 The location where Frankenstein goes to find relief for his mind after Justine’s trial.

42 $500 What is the Swiss Alps? Scores

43 $100 What happens to Frankenstein immediately after his boat lands on Ireland.

44 What is he is arrested for murder?
$100 What is he is arrested for murder? Scores

45 The cause of Alphonse Frankenstein’s death.
$200 The cause of Alphonse Frankenstein’s death.

46 What is of a broken heart or grief?
$200 What is of a broken heart or grief? Scores

47 The request that Frankenstein makes of Walton.
$300 The request that Frankenstein makes of Walton.

48 $300 What is to destroy the creature should Victor die before he is able to? Scores

49 $400 How the story ends.

50 What is the creature floats away on a piece of ice?
$400 What is the creature floats away on a piece of ice? Scores

51 The reason the creature captured William.
$500 The reason the creature captured William.

52 What is he wanted a companion who would not judge him?
$500 What is he wanted a companion who would not judge him? Scores

53 $100 The creature’s external conflict throughout the novel.

54 What is humans reject him?
$100 What is humans reject him? Scores

55 $200 The being that the creature identifies with from the story of Adam and Eve.

56 What is the fallen angel?
$200 What is the fallen angel? Scores

57 $300 Explain the choice of cold, icy, isolated settings for much of the novel.

58 $300 What is the harsh landscape mirrors the harsh and cold treatment of the creature by mankind? Scores

59 The similar desire of both Walton and the creature.
$400 The similar desire of both Walton and the creature.

60 $400 What is companionship? Scores

61 The universal theme or moral of Frankenstein.
$500 The universal theme or moral of Frankenstein.

62 What is knowledge can be dangerous and destructive?
$500 What is knowledge can be dangerous and destructive? Scores

63 $100 The ancient philosopher studied by Frankenstein before the age of 15.

64 Who is Cornelius Agrippa?
$100 Who is Cornelius Agrippa? Scores

65 The location of the first meeting of creation and creator.
$200 The location of the first meeting of creation and creator.

66 $200 What are the Swiss Alps?

67 $300 The natural phenomenon Shelley uses to foreshadow negative events in Frankenstein.

68 $300 What is bad weather? Scores

69 $400 Died of scarlet fever.

70 Who is Caroline Beaufort (Victor’s mother)?
$400 Who is Caroline Beaufort (Victor’s mother)? Scores

71 Irish magistrate who aided Frankenstein.
$500 Irish magistrate who aided Frankenstein.

72 $500 Who is M. Kirwin? Scores

73 Final Jeopardy Question
The Modern Prometheus Final Jeopardy Question Scores

74 Explain why Mary Shelley chose “The Modern Prometheus” as the subtitle to this novel.

75 In the story of Prometheus, he takes fire (representing knowledge) and gives it to the humans (who are not supposed to have the knowledge). For giving away the knowledge, Prometheus must suffer eternally. Similarly, Frankenstein uses knowledge (how to create life) that only God should have. Therefore he is punished for the rest of his life as the creature pursues him. Scores


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