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Bomb Calorimeter Thermometer Electrical Leads E = q + w

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1 Bomb Calorimeter Thermometer Electrical Leads E = q + w
Motorized Stirrer O2 Source Bomb Calorimeter doesn’t permit the burning sample to expand (the “bomb” is very strong). No expansion, ... No V... Insulated Jacket Igniter wire No work done. Bomb E = q Food Heat collected is equal to the actual amount of energy available from the food material.

2 Bomb Calorimeter (Problem 6.45)
A chemical engineer studying the properties of fuels placed g of a hydrocarbon in the bomb of a calorimeter and filled it with O2 gas. The bomb was immersed in L of water and the reaction initiated. The water temperature rose from 20.00C to C. If the calorimeter (excluding the water) has a heat capacity of 403 J/ C, what was the heat of combustion per gram of the fuel?

3 Bomb Calorimeter (Problem 6.45)
Heat Lost Heat gained (water) (hydrocarbon) q = m  c  T J q = g  4.184J/gC  3.55C J J q = J What was the heat of combustion per gram of the fuel? Heat gained (calorimeter) q = Ccalorimeter  T J 1.500 gfuel = q = J/C  C J/g q = J

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