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Partnership : Where Now?

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Presentation on theme: "Partnership : Where Now?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Partnership : Where Now?
Professor Gordon Kirk Universities’ Council for the Education of Teachers APTE/TEAN February 2012

2 Plan How did we get here? Why Change? Where do we go now?

3 The Value of University Partnership
Strong expertise in teacher education and CPD Intellectual capital and society Awards and other forms of recognition Quality assurance Resource development Administrative infrastructure

4 The Ladder of Partnership
Collaborative Partnership HEI-led partnership: focus on ITE “Separatist partnership”: focus on placement Hostility

5 Collaborative Partnership
ITE embedded in other activities Complementarity Reciprocal benefits

6 Why Change? Growth of non-university routes Erosion of complementarity
Blurring of school- and HEI-based Government education agenda Marketisation The new research agenda The analogy with medicine

7 Where now? Collaborative partnership HEI-led: focus on ITE
“separatist partnership”: focus on placement

8 Learning Partnerships 1
Agreed aims and strategies School effectiveness ITE CPD Research Shared staffing Shared power Shared resources

9 Learning Partnerships 2
Shared conception of teaching as an evidence-based profession A culture of evidence-based negotiation A research and development agenda

10 School HEI

11 Separatist partnership
School HEI

12 Collaborative Partnership
School HEI

13 Learning partnership HEI School


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