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Memoirs of the Oratory.

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1 Memoirs of the Oratory

2 Overview The Memoirs of the Oratory are one of the most personal and lively writings by Don Bosco They have contributed significantly to constructing the image of Don Bosco which continues to circulate They are an important tool for understanding Don Bosco: His mentality, spirituality, pedagogy and pastoral model.

3 The story and fortune of the text 1
The text of the MO was put together between 1873 and 1875. It was then copied by G. Berto and corrected by DB on a number of occasions, up till 1879. It was used by G. Bonetti for the History of the Oratory of St. Francis de Sales published in the “Salesian Bulletin” between 1879 and 1886. It was taken up again by G.B. Lemoyne in Biographical Memoirs vol. I and vol. II, which then integrated it with other data.

4 History and fortunes of the text 2
First complete edition edited by E. Ceria (1946), at the request of P. Ricaldone to encourage a return to the charismatic origins of Salesian work Various translations (Fr: 1951; Sp: 1955 …) Critical observations (Klein-Valentini 1955; Braido 1965; Stella 1968) New interest and translations (Fr: 1978; Br: 1982; It: 1985; Eng: 1989…)

5 “Memories of the future”.
DB wanted to define his understanding of an overall educative experience and formulate an “action programme” (Braido) He highlighted the purposes of the Oratory which God wanted: It is a religious and pedagogical poem; a re-reading of the past in a theological mode (Stella) The MO are DB’s richest book in terms of content and preventive directions; a handbook of pedagogy and spirituality in story form (Braido)

6 An evocative narrative of the oratory’s identity
In the MO: Don Bosco reviews his personal formational journey; And at the same time his mental schemes emerge, Spiritual traits of his interior world, The model of educator and pastor dear to him, The most original and distinguishing style of his Oratory.

7 Why did DB write the MO? By command from above [authority] (MO, Introduction) Belief: The Oratory was willed by God for the salvation of the young, therefore a need to present its beginnings, purposes, method… A critical moment for Don Bosco’s work: For external reasons. Approval of the Congregation and tensions with Archbishop Gastaldi: Need for an historical reflection and basis For internal reasons. The development of Salesian work: Spiritual and pedagogical formation of his disciples and to clarify charismatic identity

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