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Presentation on theme: "CRIMINOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY"— Presentation transcript:

Over view of UNIT 3

2 1. What is Crime and 2. What Causes it?

3 Causes of Criminal Behaviour
Social Learning Theory – Modelling? Jail for criminal family in £100m raids on stately homes Jailed: Ricky Johnson and his sons Albie and 'Chad'

4 Causes of Criminal Behaviour contd

5 Causes of Criminal Behaviour contd
The Self Fulfilling Prophecy Gang of teenage hoodies kicked former soldier to death for £5 they wanted to spend on booze and drugs

6 Ways to Study Criminal Behaviour
Can we use experiments to study criminal behaviour? Natural Experiments/Lab Experiments/Field Experiments?

7 Eye Witness Testimony

8 Treating Offenders Token economies

9 Treating Offenders continued
Anger Management

10 EVIDENCE OF PRACTICE Key Issue: one of the following
The reliability of EWT The use of offender profiling Is a criminal born or made?

Summarise 2 magazine or newspaper articles concerning a topic covered within the application

12 Assessment Information
The unit assessment consists of a 1 ½ hour examination. There will be 60 marks available for this paper and it will be worth 40% of the A2 course You will answer questions on 2 applications i.e. criminal and health. (ignore sport and child psychology) The exam will consist of short answer and extended writing questions. You should be prepared to draw on information from the AS approaches including methodology and ethics.

13 We are now ½ way through unit 3
You already know that the A2 year requires you to work hard and spend time on independent study. We are now ½ way through unit 3 The Crime unit will be completed by Christmas KEEP GOING 


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