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New SACE Coordinator Conference
August 2015 The primary purpose of the conference is to give you information that will support you with end of year processes. The outline for the hour today is: Outline end of year arrangements and provide advice about processes. A booklet accompanies this presentation so that you can record your notes. The booklet also contains additional support materials.
SACE Assessment Responsibilities
The principal The principal's delegate The SACE Coordinator Schools Online Operator The respective responsibilities of the SACE Board and schools for managing school and external assessments of student learning in the SACE are defined in the SACE Assessment Responsibilities: SACE Board and Schools Code of Practice The Code of Practice is based on the recognition that: the quality of student assessment in the SACE, and the integrity of students’ results, is dependent on the partnership between the SACE Board and schools. THE ROLE OF THE PRINCIPAL The principal is responsible for ensuring that SACE assessment within a school is conducted according to subject outlines and the SACE Board’s policies and procedures. The principal puts in place management systems to ensure the fairness, quality, and integrity of school assessment and external assessments, and ensures that they occur in an ethical manner. The principal authorises results. THE ROLE OF THE PRINCIPAL’S DELEGATE The principal may delegate responsibility for the management of SACE and authorisation of results. Has the principal delegated management responsibility to you? Is the nature and extent of the delegation clear? Do you liaise with the principal? THE ROLE OF THE SACE COORDINATOR This role involves: • managing enrolments and results for Stage 1 and Stage 2 of the SACE • coordinating the collection and packaging of student materials for external assessment and moderation • liaising with the relevant SACE Officers THE SACE COORDINATOR AND SCHOOLS ONLINE Schools Online is provided to schools as a tool for managing students’ registrations, enrolments and results. Do you manage Schools Online? If not, do you liaise with the Schools Online Operator? Who makes the decisions about assessment groups? How is this communicated to teachers? For technical issues regarding Schools Online please please call the service desk (telephone ) What are the risks/advantages of different staff for each role (delegate, SACE Coordinator and Schools Operator)? The responsibilities are obviously interconnected. The workflow flows between schools and the SACE Board , from enrolments to results, from results to evidence collection, from evidence collection to final results release. It is important that you recognise that the quality of information feeding forward into the results cycle will impact on the quality of the results release. For example, if a student is enrolled in the wrong Integrated Learning code then this may impact on student’s completion at results release. Correcting the enrolment once the workflow has moved onto the evidence stage is not easy, as we will need to back track to the enrolment information, delete the old enrolment and add the new enrolment, add the result, organise for a marker to mark the external assessment and update the moderation sample request.
SACE Board Support School Assessment Services SACE Officers - Schools
Curriculum Services SACE Officers - Curriculum Assessment Operations Special Provisions SACE Officer - Special Provisions &Verification VET SACE Officer - Recognised Learning SACE Officer – Schools the first port of call from a school SACE Officers - Schools are responsible for school liaison and working with schools to develop, monitor and improve their quality assurance processes that support the integrity of school assessment results in Stage 1 compulsory subjects and Stage 2 subjects. SACE Coordinator support SACE Officer – Curriculum the first port of call for teachers about subject queries SACE Officers -Curriculum are responsible for building teachers’ capacity to implement and assess the curriculum as specified in each subject outline and in the subject operational guidelines Contact details are on each SACE subject minisite Assessment Operations: providing operational and administrative support to schools registering students in the SACE making available school assessment and external assessment results sheets sending stationery and materials to schools collecting student materials for external assessment and moderation from schools Receipt of learning and assessment plans, recognition applications, SP applications, eligibility applications Special Provisions Provide advice about special provisions VET Provide advice about recognition of VET
Reflections Learning and assessment plans Stage 1 moderation
Stage 1 results Mid-year Stage 2 Research Project results School assessment deadlines SACE Board submission dates Mid-year results release Stage 2 enrolments Semester 1 would have provided you with an opportunity to ‘learn the ropes’, particularly, if your school submitted mid-year Stage 2 Research Project results. It is useful for us to reflect on Semester 1 in preparation for the end of the year. We will discuss your: Observations Challenges, relating to: Learning and Assessment Plans (some guiding questions for the facilitator are provided for each area, these can also be found in the booklet) Were you able to submit the full suite of Stage 1 learning and assessment plans by the due date? Did you receive feedback that indicated you already had an approved plan? How do teachers manage amendments required? How have you used the new Enrolments Against Learning and Assessment Plan Status report? Refer to page 14. Stage 1 Moderation How did you manage communication with teachers? How did you support the preparation of moderation materials? Did your school provide a moderator? If so, what was shared from their experience? How did your school respond to Stage 1 moderation feedback? Did the final Stage 1 results reported by your school reflect the recommendations provided in the school’s feedback? Stage 1 Results Were your school’s Semester 1, Stage 1 results accurate? Did you have an approved learning and assessment plan for each subject? Were enrolment/result codes accurate? i.e. did your SACE Officer- Schools contact you? Mid-year Stage 2 Research Project How did you manage ORS? Did teachers request changes to final results? Did the school receive feedback that indicated that school assessment results were confirmed/adjusted? What was the improvement response? School Assessment Deadlines Are school assessment deadlines managed effectively? Do teachers consistently apply deadlines? SACE Board Submission Dates for Results and Materials How were the dates communicated to Research Project teachers? Is there sufficient planning at your school to ensure these dates are met? Mid-year Results Release How were students mid-year Research Project results released within the school? Did your school support students to access their results via Students Online? What strategies did you have in place to support students and families with queries? Stage 2 Enrolments How do you know your current enrolments are accurate?
• Final Moderation Effects Report • Final Moderation Feedback Reports
Now that we have reflected on Semester 1 we can use the Semester 2 Results Cycle Calendar to plan for the end of the year. Starting with results release working backwards to submitting predicted results. Please use the calendar to record internal planning dates. Results release Students Check address details on Schools Online. Often changed at front office of school on EDSAS (in DECD schools) but information is not transferred across to Schools Online. Every year many students don’t receive results because of inaccurate address details. 30 November is the last opportunity to change students’ personal details, including mailing address in Schools Online. Students register, Get PIN (day day month month e.g. 2 October PIN is 0210) Encourage students to access the SACE Board website to activate their PIN now, to avoid time delays associated with re-setting PINs we strongly advise that students ensure they have the correct PIN ahead of time so they can access their results online. Schools The SACE Board aims to release the results in the week before Christmas. The Chief Executive will announce the actual date. The SACE Board will request that schools provide the contact details for a school contact person who must be available to SACE Board at short notice and with access to school information during final processing of results and after results release (when schools are closed). It is advisable that the contact person is familiar with SATAC Information . The school will probably have strategies in place to support students and families who have questions. What strategies does your school have in place? Are they worthwhile? Does the community/students value this support? SACE Board Data • Final Moderation Effects Report • Final Moderation Feedback Reports • Final Subject Grade Report • Merit Students Report • SACE Register of Results • SACE Register of VET Results • School Subject Assessment Reports • School Summary Information Report will be available to all principals and SACE coordinators the morning of results release via the Results Reports section of Schools Online. As in the past, a results inquiry line will be open to support students, teachers, families (schools are also part of the support for students and families). Stage 2 moderation Emergency contact must be available to SACE Board at short notice to facilitate liaison with the principal, teachers and students in case of unexpected issues that are discovered at moderation. Given time constraints any issues will need to resolved as a matter of urgency. To ensure there are no issues discovered at moderation it is best to ensure: Teachers provide final results that are accurate Moderation evidence clearly substantiates final results Moderation samples are organised Any variations are clearly communicated to the moderation panel via the Variations – Moderation Materials form. See booklet, page 12, for exemplar VMM form The moderation panels are made up of teachers from schools, without moderators moderation does not proceed, a late notice withdrawal from the panel can place significant pressure on the remaining panel to finalise moderation outcomes for all schools by results release. It is worthwhile communicating with teachers involved in marking and moderation processes so the school leadership team are can support staff involvement. If the school is unable to support staff participation in marking and moderation processes then ask staff to contact the SACE Board a.s.a.p. so alternative arrangements can be made. Stage 1 enrolments and results cut off Database cut-off for enrolments in Stage 1 subjects is 16 November, the day before schools can access online results sheets for Stage 1 subjects Schools report results to the SACE Board as a grade between A and E. The quality of learning demonstrated for each grade is described in the performance standards in the subject outlines. Schools may enter a ‘P’ (pending) for English and mathematics subjects and the Personal Learning Plan until These enrolments will automatically roll-over in Schools Online to the next semester. It is important to monitor each of these students. The 2016 Stage 1 mathematics and English subject outlines will replace the 2015 subject outlines. A transition process will be in place to allow these students to be resulted against the 2015 subject outline in 2016. Schools will have the option of supporting these students to achieve the C standard a 2015 Stage 1 English or mathematics subject according to the learning requirements, assessment design criteria and performance standards of the 2015 subject outline. Alternately, schools may transfer the enrolments of these students to the 2016 subject outlines and support them to achieve the C standard in a Stage 1 English or mathematics subject according to the learning requirements, assessment design criteria and performance standards of the 2016 subject outline. This arrangement for managing 2015 ‘Pending’ results is applicable for 2016 ONLY. Any 2015 ‘Pending’ results not finalised by the end of 2016 will be removed. Moderation is used to confirm the C grade in Stage 1 English and mathematics subjects and the Personal Learning Plan for each school. Schools required to attend moderation should not report results to the SACE Board for students in the subjects being moderated, until moderation has occurred. An approved learning and assessment plan is required for each Stage 1 subject. Schools should not report results to the SACE Board for students in subjects that do not have an approved Stage 1 LAP. A new report (Enrolments Against Approved Learning and Assessment Plan Status Report) in Schools Online can support you to identify outstanding LAPs. See booklet for information sheet. During the results process, errors may be identified that need immediate resolution. The process should therefore be started early enough to allow time to correct errors. Use the calendar provided to schedule dates teachers are required to submit results to you for checking. 30 November online results for Stage 1 subjects are due. Stage 2 - School Assessment Materials collection Evidence provided in moderation samples is used to substantiate teachers’ final results. It is important then that materials are carefully prepared and any variations are clearly communicated via the Variations - Moderation Materials form. All subjects in Stage 2 are moderated – some teachers may need to be supported by teachers who have had previous experience in packing for moderation. Note that collection dates are very soon after Moderation Sample forms are made available in Schools Online– teachers need to be prepared and it is necessary for teachers to have materials for all students packaged and ready for moderation to avoid any last minute stress for them (and for you as SACE Coordinators, should a teacher be absent leading up to the collection date). Subject operational information available on the subject minisites provides teachers with guidance on packing their materials for moderation. You may also consider using some props and demonstrating this to teachers that may need additional guidance. Only materials for students selected in the sample should be provided. Other students’ work to be retained in the school. It is important that materials for all school assessment materials for all selected students are provided. It is not appropriate to swap the materials for students not selected for those that are selected. In the absence of SACE Coordinators on collection day, other arrangements need to be put in place by school. Contact your SACE Officer- Schools immediately if materials are not collected. Be prepared for an early morning courier pick-up. Online submission of school assessment results The SACE Board will set a default internal (teacher) due date in Schools Online for rounds A & B for teachers to submit results sheets to the Principal’s Delegate. The default due date will be set 3 days prior to official SACE Board due date. Examination supervision Timetable The examination timetable is available on the SACE website. Useful to use this version or use the Online Calendar to display only the subjects you need to timetable, if school versions are developed (not advised by the SACE Board) then the school is responsible for version control. Materials Front covers are available on each Stage 2 subject minisite from September 7. Question Booklets - Information Sheet 48 Delivery in stages from October 12 - SACE Coordinator or principal required to sign (or will be returned to SACE Board) Check cartons early and carefully for correct subjects, correct quantity in each subject. Store securely. Stationery Sent in the week beginning 12 October Check carefully - discrepancies – check with supplier. Check CDs (Information Sheet 46) on the player to be used in the examination. Replacement CDs or other problems with examination booklets phone Information Sheets Written examinations - instructions to invigilators, rooms, labels, student entry/exit, starting/ending exam Information Sheet 46-48/14 Use of calculators and computers Information Sheet 49. Written examinations – Instructions to SACE Coordinators Before examinations The SACE coordinator responsible for the examinations will: • be responsible for receiving and keeping safe all documents and materials sent for use in the examinations (see Information Sheet 46 for guidelines on safe storage). • prepare a timetable showing the names of invigilators and the examination rooms in which they will supervise each examination subject. • ensure that teachers do not invigilate any subject that they teach. Invigilation Detailed instructions in Information Sheet 47 cover the preparation of the room, the conduct of the examination, and the procedures to be followed during and immediately after the examination. SACE coordinators must give invigilators a copy of these detailed instructions and procedures. Special Provisions Moderated Predicted Exam Result- if students that take ill and miss small portion should be allowed extra time, miss large portion an application to use the moderated predicted result should be made. Form 23. Misadventure – must be due to acceptable reason; Principal permission, can complete exam, no disruption to others, Form 21, record arrival time, highlight and sign sections completed by scheduled finish time and record time of arrival on attendance roll. If no acceptable reason And the student is more than 40 minutes late – no admittance to examination. If student is late up to 40 minutes – Principal’s permission, stop writing at scheduled time, record arrival time on attendance roll. If misadventure, record a red line and provide the student with the remaining time. The SACE Board will decide if the student’s full response will be marked. PLEASE CALL THE SPECIAL PROVISIONS HOTLINE FOR QUICK ADVICE ph Breaches of Rules- Please use Form 2 to report any breach of rules in an examination. These forms must not be put in students’ script books/question booklets: they must be sent directly to Assessment Operations. Any other emergency- Invigilator notifies SACE Coordinator ASAP- Students supervised and must not talk to each other- For advice - contact Lisa Wills Collection of examination materials- schedule is provided with examination materials, all materials should be ready for pick up, ensure security while stored. Stage 1 moderation materials collection Refer to INFORMATION SHEET FOR TEACHERS, see page 15 of your booklet, - The preparation and packaging of materials for Stage 1 Moderation in booklet. Investigations results and materials collections Note the three rounds on the calendar. Information Sheet 53 provides the subjects for each round. The teacher’s result must not be revealed to the student, as all external assessments are marked by a SACE Board appointed marker. For further information about the marking process please see marking procedures document on the SACE website. Note: marking is not the same as the moderation process. Request for extensions Information sheet 35. Breach of Rules Information sheet 3. Packaging – (refer to subject operational information available on the subject minisites) Identification of student work by registration number and school number only. Use of coversheets from website is recommended – found under ‘Forms’ on each subject page. No annotations on student work. Note: unlike school assessed work. Supervision and verification sheet kept in school until the end of the clerical check period. Don’t reveal results to student Students can be added or withdrawn on result sheet. Late materials Copy of special provisions approval/letter and the student materials are delivered directly to Assessment Operations. Predicted results Satge 2 Predicted Results Information sheet 52. Important for quality assurance purposes and for some approved special provisions in assessment. Must be based on work conducted under conditions similar to examinations (i.e. supervised, timed tasks). Predictions recorded as marks (all external assessment has a numerical equivalent). Consider schools/classes linked as single assessment group and ensure that predictions are consistent within the whole cohort.
Completion Checks Check after enrolment and then after any enrolment changes SACE pattern Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR) tracking Confirmation sheets Students go online to check Encourage students to go to SACE website, using their PIN and check themselves. A series of Schools reports can be run to check pattern. Work with your Schools OnlineOperator. Need to get enrolments on Schools in order to check. It is important to keep Schools up to date. Make sure enrolment changes go through you (SACE coordinator), especially when Stage 2 results sheets are in the school. Ensure: Pattern Check = enrolled to complete SACE ATAR = eligible for ATAR with enrolments Use SATAC booklet to check: Precluded combinations Counting restrictions Don’t assume you know- it is important to double check Some SACE coordinators keep copies of these. Have parents/students acknowledge with sign off if pattern has limitations (e.g. non-completion, no ATAR) or is against school advice. Reprint and revisit these reports regularly. Reprint after student enrolment changes. Ensure VET is verified. When results sheets are used to withdraw students please ensure you run a completion check.
SACE Officer Recognised Learning
VET Management Resulting on Schools Verification Adele Broster SACE Officer Recognised Learning Students will earn 5 SACE credits for the successful completion of 35 nominal hours of VET and 10 SACE credits for the successful completion of 70 nominal hours of VET, up to the maximum credit allocation for a qualification, for: • completed qualifications • partly completed qualifications (completed one or more units of competency). The Recognition register is a tool on the SACE website listing more than 200 of the most popular VET qualifications that students may undertake as part of their SACE. The Register shows the SACE level (Stage 1 or 2), and maximum/minimum SACE credits students can earn. Management of VET and resulting is facilitated by Schools. Schools is used to add VET enrolments for an individual. It is important that principals confirm completed VET qualifications. Principal’s Verification form can be printed from Schools. Supporting evidence needs to be provided. Please contact Adele Broster with specific VET questions. 7
Special Provisions Refer to booklet page 16.
Note: Special Provisions Hotline ph:
Breaches of Rules Insert flowchart Refer to booklet page 17.
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